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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Female Body Language - Can You Read It?

Does she want you or not? Here's how to know:

One of the best pieces of advice I ever
got from a friend of mine that's good
with women is this:

"Don't listen to what a person says.
Look at what they do! That will
always reveal their true motives."

This is completely true when it
comes to women. Remember: Most
women have no idea what they really

So never listen to what they tell you when it comes to what kind of
men they like, because they're susceptible to how men make them

If a woman says she likes "Tall guys," and you're 5'2, you're NOT
out of the ball game. Maybe she likes tall guys because tall guys
make her feel safe. That means all you have to do is make this girl
feel safe with you, and you're on the same playing field as a guy
twice your size.

With that said, pay attention to the signals a woman's body sends
out, and you will always, always, ALWAYS know if you're wasting
your time, if what you're doing is working, if she's open to be
approached, etc.

When it comes to body language, always remember this GOLDEN RULE:

***Pay Attention To Her Eyes***

The eyes are the window to the soul, and they will always betray
what a person is really feeling. If you know how to use eye
contact properly, you will experience amazing results with women.

Here's something I want you to try...

The next time you go out, make it a point to make EYE CONTACT
with every girl you see. If you see a girl you like, lock your
eyes on her until she makes eye contact with you.

When this happens, raise your eyebrows at her (you know, the ol'
eyebrow wink!), and follow that with a smile. Pay attention to
her response. If she smiles back, holds eye contact a little
longer, and looks away (in typical sideways glance fashion), and
keeps glancing back at you, guess what? She's open to you meeting

But if she shows no expression and looks away quickly, never
bothering to look in your direction again, you'll be wasting your
time on her! So now you know it's best to move on and find another
women who WILL enjoy your company.

Just by using this simple trick, you'll see your success rate
with women skyrocket! I know guys who just use this method of
meeting women and never, ever, EVER get rejected.

You Must Have Self Confidence

However, the first step in getting good with women is learning
how to be more confident in yourself. Let’s face it, if you ask
any woman what the most attractive quality is in men, they will
almost always say “Confidence.” Nothing is sexier to women than
a man who is confident in himself.

The problem most guys face, however, is that they’re never
really sure what it means to actually “be confident.” To me,
confidence is really just “secure self-knowledge.” It’s about
knowing who you are, what you like, what you dislike, and how to
act in any given situation. Fear, nervousness, and uncertainty
all manifest themselves in ways which destroy confidence.

So if you are with a girl, and you are unsure what to do, you
lose that feeling of confidence that can make you so attractive
to the ladies. A lot of so-called “dating coaches” out there
will advise you to “fake it until you make it.” In other words
act confident until you ARE confident. Personally, I think this
is a horrible idea. You can act as confident as you want, but
the minute you get rejected by a girl, you open yourself up to
severe depression.

Instead, you want to learn to love who you are, and be secure
in what you believe. This is a great way to start your journey
to becoming more successful with women.

First off, I want you to understand that your lack of confidence
comes from your current BELIEF SYSTEM. If you get nervous around
women, or rehearse failure or bad things in your mind, it's
because you've TRAINED YOURSELF to believe that way.

When we're born, we don't have a set of beliefs pre-installed
within us. We are a blank slate! Completely free of any negative
thoughts or beliefs.

But as we grow up, our experiences and our upbringing helps to
shape that which we believe about ourselves. Sometimes those
beliefs are correct. Other times, those beliefs are dead wrong.

For instance, let's say the first time you liked a girl in first
grade, you tried to kiss her or something, and all the kids made
fun of you for "liking a girl." So you were ashamed and suffered
through all the teasing.

After that, you became afraid to approach a girl you liked
because early on, you learned to associate that shame you felt
when those kids ridiculed you with approaching a woman you liked.
That's just one example. There are TONS of different ways we come
to accept counter-productive beliefs.

The real trick in fixing this and helping to RE-TRAIN yourself
to feel good feelings and be confident is self-examination. You
have to take a good, hard look at who you are and what you
believe. Otherwise, you will just keep doing what you've always

So here's what I want you to do...

* Sit down with a piece of paper and a pen, and think about a
problem you have. For example: "I get scared when I see a woman
I like and can't talk to them."

* Then, analyze your statement and ask: "Why do I feel that way?"
So let's say you get scared because you think the girl is going
to slap you across the face and call you a loser. Write that
down on the paper.

* Then ask yourself: "Why do I believe that?" Really THINK about
the answer to this question. Maybe when you were younger, you
saw your big brother get slapped by a woman and called a loser,
so you associated that reaction with approaching a woman. Write
your answer down.

* Once you figure out your answer, then ask: "Is that something
that is logical to believe?" Chances are, the answer is NO.

* Then ask yourself: "What should I believe instead of this?"
Then write down your answer. So in this case, let's say you
write down that you're going to believe that instead of getting
slapped and called a loser, the woman will smile at you and be
happy to talk to you.

Now, the next time you see a woman you want to approach, and you
feel that fear, you know it's because of that negative belief
you got from watching your brother at a young age. Then tell
yourself "This woman is going to smile and be happy to talk to
me." Say it as many times as it takes. Repeat this belief to
yourself over and over until it overtakes the bad belief, and
then go talk to the girl!

You'll be really surprised at the results you get from this
simple technique. I could go on for hours on how to build
real confidence. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

When you know the body language signs to look for, you can
be completely confident that you will never be rejected!

If you'd like to learn more about the secrets to sexual body
language and confidence building to get any woman you want
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:

(1) Guy Gets Girl
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women

That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day

Your friend in success,

The Penis Help Center

P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!

P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:


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