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Saturday, September 19, 2009

How To Completely Captivate A Woman

The Art Of Story-Telling

When I was first starting out trying to
get better with women, I WISH there
had been a resource like this blog to
guide me in my quest to improve my
love life. But it's because there was no
resource like my blog that's why I
decided to create this blog, so you
wouldn't have to go through all the
trial and error I did!

And one of the hardest things I had
to figure out was what to do AFTER
I meet a woman. I mean, flirting is
good, and it's a powerful tool. But
you need to have a framework that
will allow you to use it.

And that framework is...


Yes, I know, that sounds dumb, but bear with me... When I was
struggling to meet women, I was able to get to the point where I could
talk to them, I could even flirt a little with them, but after that,
the interaction just peetered out. Basically, I couldn't think of
anything to talk about! And the woman would get bored, and eventually
move on to something more interesting.

Then, one night, I was out with a friend of mine who's naturally good
with women, and we went to a bar. Now, I had never really taken the
time to sit back and observe what this friend of mine did, but this
night, I decided to hang back and watch him work. And I was SHOCKED
at the results. I came to realize that I was doing everything my
friend was doing, EXCEPT telling stories!

The funny thing is, I've heard his stories so many times, that I
learned to tune them out when he'd retell them to women. What I
realized was that though I was bored with the stories, the girls were
completely captivated by them!

It's funny, because most men who are naturals with women are usually
good storytellers. They're able to tell a story that's so
entertaining, you can't help but have a good time with them!

Remember this: Storytelling = Entertainment = Good Time

And if you can show a woman a good time, they'll always want to be
around you!

Now, another interesting fact about naturals with women, is that
they always tell the same stories over and over again. This is
because they perfect their stories every time they tell them, and
they also know which stories work to get the women they're talking
to interested!

But these stories all have something in common, no matter who is
telling what story. There's one common factor that binds them all
together. It's the "secret" of every natural ladies man anywhere,
and I'm going to share it with you right now.


That's right. They talk about themselves. There's a very specific
reason for this that I'll get to in just a moment.

somefundamentals of storytelling:

The first thing you have to do is KNOW SOME GOOD STORIES.
They should be stories from your life that are entertaining.
Beware boring stories! They will KILL the vibe of your interaction.

Next, when you meet a girl, ask her some questions about herself.
Simple things like "Where are you from," or "What do you like to do."
Keep asking her about herself until you find something you can relate
your story to.

For instance, if she's from Chicago, and you have a story about
living in Chicago or visiting Chicago, that's the perfect time to
tell it!

It's important to tell stories that relate to the woman's experience,
because that helps you to create a sense of connection with her. It's
a way of creating a common experience you both share. Remember that
old phrase "We have so much in common!"?

Well, that's important because people gravitate towards that which
is familiar. And the more familiar you can make yourself to her, the
easier time you'll have getting a date.

Finally, make sure you're story is about YOU! I mentioned this
before, about how most naturals just talk about themselves, but
there's a reason for doing this beyond seeming self-centered.

When you tell a story that's fun and entertaining, where YOU'RE the
main character, others will associate their good feelings that story
creates with YOU. The more good feelings you can associate with
yourself, the easier your job becomes, because trust and comfort
are created in your audience.

In The Art Of Approaching ebook, you can learn advanced techniques
to craft your own stories and all the elements you need to have in
place to totally captivate a woman and get her interested in you.

If you'd like to learn more about the art of Storytelling or seducing
women, or if you want to learn the secrets to success with women then
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:

(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women

That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day

Your friend in success,

The Penis Help Center

P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!

P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:


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