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Saturday, September 19, 2009

How To Start Conversations With Women

Learn To Meet The Women You Want!

By now we have covered the two foundations of being more successful
with women -- namely how to read their body language and how to
improve your self-confidence. Now that you've got the fundamentals
down, it's time to take the plunge and...

If you're going to meet a woman, you have to know how to start a
conversation with her. There's just no way around it. You must
engage her in some manner, and the easiest (and most accepted) way
is to talk to her. But this is where most men choke.

Have you ever been in a situation where you saw a really beautiful
woman that you wanted to meet, and then suddenly your brain took a
vacation and you simply --


And then, before you know it, the moment has passed, the opportunity
is gone, and the woman you wanted to meet is now gone forever! Or
worse yet... You ARE able to think of something to say to her, but
the conversation quickly fizzles out and the girl moves on, leaving
you feeling like you've blown your chance!

Hey, we've all been there before.

Here's a FACT for you to chew on... Being able to quickly engage a
woman in a conversation DRAMATICALLY increases your ability to get
them on a date! See, when you have a conversation with another
person, you're not just simply TALKING to them.

What you're doing is creating rapport and comfort with that person,
which are the necessary building blocks of HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS.
Without rapport and comfort, there is no way you can get a girl to
give you a serious commitment to see you again. Period.

Now, I know that there are some guys out there who would rather
take a swift kick to the teeth than talk to a girl. But that's
because they simply don't know what to say to a woman to get a
conversation started with them!

To start a conversation you will need a good opener. The
Opener is a line you can use to start a conversation with a woman
that has the ability to lead into a larger conversation and more
interaction with her. It's the catalyst of every interaction you'll have
with a girl.

Usually, I recommend you have 3 openers memorized and ready to go,
so that once one runs its course, you have two more ready to go to
carry on that conversation. A good Opener can be anything that's
relatively open-ended, and can be transformed into different

Here's one you can try out for yourself:

"Hi, this will only take a second -- I need a female
opinion on something. My little niece (or cousin,
or sister, or daughter) has a birthday coming up,
and she's at that age where she's really into
stuffed animals, and I'm wondering... do you think
a little girl would like a stuffed tiger or a
stuffed unicorn better?"

Now, after saying this, she may ask you questions about your niece,
like how old she is and what she likes.

Tell her that she's young (like 10-12) and that she has so many
stuffed animals already, but you know she doesn't have a unicorn
or a tiger. When the woman you're talking to answers, ask her why
she thinks that's the way to go.

So for instance:

HER: Get her the tiger. Totally.
YOU: The tiger? Why do you think the tiger is the way to go?
HER: Tigers are cool! They're like big cuddly cats.

From there, you can talk about any number of things. Her childhood,
what stuffed animals she liked growing up, her love of cats, the
toys you used to play with when you were young, etc. Just find
SOMETHING the woman says to latch onto and use that to relate to

Start talking about that one topic until the conversation starts to
flow. And if one conversation runs its course, you can stack
another opener to start a new conversation. For instance, a good
follow-up to this opener is: "So, do you like kids?"

After she answers, ask her why is it she feels that way. Then talk
about your views on kids (tip: Always agree with her point of
view! At least initially). Eventually, the conversation will be
flowing, and before you know it, it's time to ask for her number
and set up a date!

Openers for All "Situations"

I want to share a story with you all that I thought was interesting.
Friday night, I was out with a friend of mine clubbing. As we were
walking from one club to another, we saw two women walking together
in front of us.

These women were HOT! So hot, in fact, that every guy they passed
by on the sidewalk tried to talk to them. How did they try this? By
saying things like: "Hey, where you going?" "Damn, you fine!"
"Hey, come back here, baby!"

Needless to say, these girls were completely IGNORING each and every
guy who talked to them. It's a harsh reality that most girls who are
as hot as these two were get approached by men ALL THE TIME, and have
heard every stupid line in the book. In fact, they get approached so
much, that they don't even respond anymore. They're just focused on
getting to where they're going.

So of course, upon seeing this, I thought to myself "How would I
approach these girls?" The answer was pretty self-evident. In fact,
it was staring me right in the face! Here it is:

"Oh my god! Every single guy is trying to
pick you guys up! How annoying is that?
You guys need to hire BODYGUARDS just to
keep all these horny waldos at bay!"

This is an example of a SITUATIONAL OPENER. Situational Openers can
be the best way to meet a woman if they are done right. This is
because this type of Opener is UNIQUE to the interaction you are
having with the woman.

Not only that, but it shows you and her have a common understanding
of the reality you are mutually experiencing. And that, my friends,
creates a connection between the two of you. It's like knowing the
punchline to a joke most others have no clue about.

The "Crash and Burn" Opener:
This is one of my most favorite kind of situational opener, namely,
the "Crash and Burn" opener:

This is a situational opener where you capitalize on other men's
failures, while conveying the illusion that you are different
from the other guys and are not looking to get into the woman's
pants (even though the truth may be VASTLY different from that which
you are conveying).

For example, anytime you are in a situation where there are women
you want to approach, and you see a guy go up to them and try to
hit on them, this gives you the chance to use the "Crash and Burn"

Simply walk up to the girl, and comment on what the other guy did
wrong. Saying things like:

"So, how did he do?" or

"Did it hurt? He was hitting on you pretty hard. Did it hurt?"

Or anything along those lines will open up your target for conversation.

These types of "Crash and Burn" openers work great in high stimulus
environments where girls are being hit on (like bars and clubs, for

So next time you see some poor guy strike out, be sure to take the
opportunity to capitalize on it!

Seriously, go out and try the Openers I've given you for yourself
and see what results you'll get. I guarantee you'll be pleasantly
surprised at the reactions you get.

It is VITALLY important you develop this skill, otherwise you will
have an extremely hard time meeting women and getting them to go
out with you.

Of course, maybe these particular openers aren't for you. In the
course, The Art Of Approaching Women, my friend Joseph Matthews
lists a TON of openers which have all been tested on real women out
in the real world, and have been PROVEN to work.

Here are the Top 3 courses I recommend if you want to learn how
start conversations with women to get them where you want them:

(1) Guy Gets Girl
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women

That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day

Your friend in success,

The Penis Help Center

P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!

P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:


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