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Monday, September 7, 2009

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Facts Every Man Suffering From Premature Ejaculation Must Know:

Premature ejaculation is rarely the result of a
health problem, disease or disability – so there’s
usually no medical problem that’s causing it.

Some of The Major Causes Of Premature
Ejaculation Include:

Psychological Causes:
Your mind is very powerful. It's important to
tackle emotional and mental factors that are
contributing to your inability to last long in bed,
and believe me, there are plenty.

* One reason could be, that as an adolescent, the masturbation habits
you developed may have led to this. Typically adolescents masturbate
with the intention of reaching orgasm quickly, thus premature
ejaculation has been 'wired' into your system. That’s one of the
reasons you haven’t been able to shake it. You need to be 're-wired'
by following some specific techniques.

* Another psychological cause of premature ejaculation... Let’s face
it... we’d all like to be able to make love for hours... but there’s
one problem with that... The body sees sex as a means to reproduce...
Therefore, your body is going to try and reproduce as fast and
efficiently as possible... It's a survival of the species mechanism.

This is one of the main reasons why premature ejaculation mostly
affects men in their teens and 20’s... They tend to be healthier and
produce more hormones, thus they have a more efficient reproductive
system and survival mechanism.

You might not realize that what is going on in your head is drastically
affecting your sex life, and your ability to last in the bedroom.

The scary thing about this is your P.E. will only get worse if you
don't start dealing with your mental and emotional state today. You
are most likely allowing your thought process to contribute to your
condition, and it will get harder and harder to break as each day
passes. Click here for free solutions to help prevent and stop
premature ejaculation

Physical Causes:
The ejaculatory reflex is similar to any other reflex. It can be
worked on, trained, and controlled. Right now, you can only take so
much stimulation before you ejaculate. For some of you, this even
occurs before penetration.

* Another cause of premature ejaculation is from the inability to
handle and control intense arousal and sexual stimulation. Once
arousal reaches a certain tipping point it becomes almost impossible
to hold back ejaculation... But when you can tweak a few mental and
physical factors... and learn some fundamental techniques... You can
push your tipping point farther and farther so you last longer and

Great lovers know how aroused they are, and when they feel they're
nearing the point of no return (that moment in sex when ejaculation
becomes inevitable), they slow down or stop their thrusting. This way,
their arousal drops, and they can go on thrusting. If you don't know
how near you are to your ejaculation, you'll just go on merrily
thrusting away and once again you'll come too soon.

* Yet another cause is from being too sensitive. Some men are just too
sensitive to handle prolonged stimulation... that lasting just seems
out of the question. You're too turned on! You may have premature
ejaculation because your body hasn't learned how to handle high
sexual arousal without ejaculating.

This can be reversed with a few weeks of techniques that re-train
your ejaculatory reflex and nerves to tolerate longer durations of
stimulation. Click here to learn how to control those reflexes!

It's important to know that there is nothing wrong with you.
It's just the current way your physical body is trained and wired. Click
here for free solutions to help prevent and stop premature ejaculation

Physiological Causes:
* For many men, premature ejaculation can partially be caused
physiologically. When a man is sexually aroused, hormones are
released in the brain that dilate blood vessels in the penis that
cause an erection.

Natural chemicals released in the body contribute to premature
ejaculation. This is because certain chemical reactions in the body
cause emotions and affect your mental state. These reactions put
your body and mind in a state where it feels it needs to ejaculate
(a survival of the species reaction). Two of those key chemicals are
dopamine and Serotonin, and both play an important role in your
ejaculatory reflex.

Studies show that men who ejaculate too quickly tend to have low levels
of the neurotransmitter - Serotonin. Your Serotonin levels can be
altered directly by your thought process.

However, there are some thoughts during sex, and in our daily lives,
that are very hard to control. These thoughts are very hard to control
for most people, but can slowly be dealt with if you know where and how
to look for them.

* A solution to help boost your Serotonin levels... is to have a healthy
diet, proper regular exercise, take supplements that help such as Prejac.
This supplement naturally regulates your dopamine and serotonin levels
so that you don't get excited too fast. By the way, this is perfectly
safe to do just as lifting weights and experiencing more testosterone
from doing so is safe. Click here for more free solutions to help
prevent, stop and cure premature ejaculation

Communicative Causes:
I find this category to be just as valuable as one of the main causes
of premature ejaculation.

It's very important to know the proper
way to communicate with women, both
emotionally and physically. Men and
women are very different, and they
communicate differently as well. This can
cause major problems in a relationship,
especially when it comes to sex.

There are some extremely important
techniques that you can implement
into your relationship, that will make
things run a whole lot smoother. For
starters just be honest with her letting
her know your struggle will ease some of
the pressure on you. In some of the
solutions for premature ejaculation, your spouse will come in handy to
assist you with getting over your hurdle. Communication is very
important! Click here for free solutions to help prevent and stop
premature ejaculation

Other causes:
* Vaginal tightness is also one the causes of premature ejaculation.
Don't get me wrong, I love a tight vagina and I'm sure you do too. The
tightness of her vagina holds your penis so close thus causing increased
stimulation to your penis making it easier for you to ejaculate.

* Alcoholism - too much alcohol will naturally make your penis limp or
cause you to ejaculate quickly, simply because after drinking your body
naturally goes into a state of severe relaxation.

* Lack of knowledge about the body and how the ejaculation process works
is another cause. The ticket to your success is to learn and apply
specific knowledge and techniques... Once you become aware of this
information, you'll be ten times better at controlling ejaculation. Click
here for free solutions to help prevent and stop premature ejacultion

* Anxiety, typically referred to as performance anxiety.

* Lack of confidence.

* A long period of abstinence.

* Stress or extreme emotional tension

That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day great.

Your friend in success,

The Penis Help Center

P.S. With the right approach you can easily change the response of your
body to high arousal. You can learn how to thrust your penis into a warm,
wet and tight vagina for as long as you want before you ejaculate. Then,
when you want to ejaculate, you simply step up the pace and intensity of
your vaginal thrusting so that you go "over the edge" when it suits you.
Click here to to learn how to properly control your premature ejaculation.

P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:


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