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Monday, September 7, 2009

Premature Ejaculation - The Power Of Exercising Your PC Muscle

Considered by many to be the best way to stop Premature Ejaculation

Learning to exercise your PC Muscle is extremely important if you want to permanently stop premature ejaculation.

This is considered by many male health professionals to be one of the best ways to prevent, stop and cure premature ejaculation.

 The PC muscle (or pubococcygeus muscle) is actually a group of pelvic muscles that form the basis for your sexual health. They run from your pubic bone in the front to your tailbone in the back. You can feel this muscle at your perineum, just behind your testicles and in  front of your anus. In addition to controlling urination with other pelvic muscles, the PC muscle is what helps bring a man or woman to climax. For men, this is the muscle that involuntarily "pumps" when you ejaculate. Therefore strengthening and learning to control the PC muscle, you will find, is THE sex secret.

These P.C. Muscle exercises involve doing a set of easy-to-learn pelvic muscle exercises. This is a FOOLPROOF way for men to boost their partners' and their own pleasure during lovemaking. Women have  already been using their PC muscles for years to help them get sexually aroused easier, lubricate faster, and have more and better orgasms.

Why exercise your PC?
- Development of your ejaculatory control muscle for unbelievable control over the premature urge to ejaculate.

- Development of a "muscular" looking penis.

- Ability to achieve ROCK HARD erections anytime you wish.

- Improved blood circulation for enhanced size, ability, and sensation.

- Drastically improved sexual stamina.

- Helps shorten the recovery time between orgasms

- Increase in ejaculation volume and intensity.

- Improved urinary flow.

- Ability to have intense, multiple orgasms without wearing out.

- Can actually help save your life by giving you a well-developed and healthy prostate.

- And the list goes on and on from benefits that having a super developed PC muscle can give you. This exercise can cure impotence as well as many other sexual problems commonly associated with getting older. The simple truth is impotence and most if not all other sexual problems come from having a very weak and poorly developed PC muscle!

Locating Your PC Muscle:
The first step to beginning your PC workout is locating your PC. Ancient Taoists also called the PC exercise "tightening the anus" because of obvious reasons (it makes your anus tight when you flex).

QUICK TEST: Get an erection. If you can make your penis move on it's own when you have an erection, you have located your PC muscle. If you cannot do this, then next time you go pee, stop the flow of urine before you are done. This muscle you use to stop yourself from peeing is your PC muscle. If you have a hard time doing this then you REALLY need this exercise!

Let's get started:
Start out by doing about 10 or 20 to see how well you can focus on them. If your PC gets tired after 20 flexes, you are VERY out of shape! After you do about 20 or so, flex and squeeze real tight and hold it for as long as you can. Though this may be intimidating at first due to your lack of PC strength, within a few month of continual exercise, you will be able to hold off the urge to ejaculate just by squeezing your PC muscle as tight as you can until the urge goes away. Talk about sexual stamina!

Doing A Full Exercise Routine: 

The Warm Up:
Start out by flexing and relaxing at a steady pace for a good 30 flexes, then rest for 30 seconds. Continue with 2 more sets, resting for 30 seconds between each. After this is complete you should have better control over your PC muscle due to the increased blood flow.

PC Clamps:
Squeeze and release your PC Muscle over and over again. Start with sets of 30, and build yourself up to a set of 100 or more. I currently can do a single set of 700+ until I have to stop due to exhaustion. Your PC heals quite fast and you will find yourself waking up with ROCK HARD erections every morning! Make sure you do at least 300 PC Clamps a day for the rest of your life. You will soon find that it's the best move you could make for your sexual health and ability.

The images below are just to form a picture of what the PC muscle exercise should look like. When performing a PC muscle fitness/Kegels it should look something like this:

Long Slow Squeeze:
Warm up with a set of 30 clamps then flex as hard and as deep as you possibly can. When you cannot squeeze any deeper, hold where you are at for a 20 count. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times. After a month or so of exercising, you should be able to do squeeze and hold sessions for at least several minutes at a time.

This particular exercise will give you absolute erections of STEEL and ability to last as long as you want in bed. Eventually work your way up to 10 sets of 2 minute long holds. It may sound like a lot now, but wait until you start to see the benefits! You'll be exploding across the room when you ejaculate!

The PC Stair Steps Workout:
This exercise is simply tightening and loosening your PC muscle in increments. Begin to tighten your PC, hold, then tighten more, hold, a little more, hold, then tighten all that you possibly can and hold. Hold this for 20 seconds, then relax a little bit, hold, relax a little bit more, hold, a little more, hold, then finally release the rest. Do this 5 times with no rest in between.

The PC Tremble:
Begin to tighten your PC muscle VERY slowly. SO slow in fact that it should take 5 minutes to complete. At some point you will feel that you can no longer tighten your PC but KEEP GOING! Go beyond where you think you can go. Keep tightening until your PC begins to tremble. Hold VERY TIGHTLY at that point and breathe very slowly and deeply for 30 seconds. At the end of 30 seconds tighten your PC even more, continually trying to gain new ground. When the burning becomes overbearing finally release and do 20 PC clamps. You should be very exhausted after this exercise. Do one set every day at the end of your workout.

I have found that it is both convenient and efficient to do your PC workout everyday while you drive. Every time you drive somewhere, BLAST THAT PC!!! A good workout I've found to do is to just start flexing my PC at a red light and keep going until the next one. Within a few months you will find yourself getting erections ALL THE TIME, especially when you wake up in the morning!

[Advanced Material]

The Squeeze And Flex PC Muscle Exercise:
This exercise was developed to strengthen and harden your erections, but will also give you great ejaculatory control, power, and increased volume. Remember, these exercises are for advanced persons who have developed themselves for at least a month with the basic pc exercises listed above.

To perform this exercise you must have a developed PC muscle, because if you don't you will end up ejaculating. This exercise teaches restraint, and gives you the ability to choose when you want to ejaculate, or not ejaculate at all. When you climax, you are wiped out and become tired. If you happen to climax before your partner, it can be quite disappointing for both of you. This exercise helps develop control and power over ejaculation urges, enabling you to experience what I call the "Male Multiple Orgasm".

This can be quite fun and will surely impress your lover if they are used to the ordinary "Sorry, I already came" syndrome most men experience. The benefits of this exercise goes way past the ordinary "strong penis", and gives a new definition to penile ability.

Here's How To Start The PC Squeeze & Flex Exercise:
Achieve an erection, and continually massage until you are as hard as you can possibly be. Once you reached that hardness, flex your PC muscle as hard as you can and massage yourself at the same time. As you flexed, you should have noticed your erection fill with more blood in the shaft and head, and feel much harder. This tells you something; the more developed your PC, the harder your erections
will be.

Do this again, only continue to flex and relax your PC until your erection becomes quite soft. Massage yourself to a hard erection again then hold a strong PC flex to make your erection harder. Hold this, and begin to massage yourself to continue the hardness. Once you feel like your PC is becoming weak, relax but continue to massage. Flex your PC and hold again. Continue this until you feel like you are reaching an orgasm.

Ejaculatory Control:
Once the feeling for reaching orgasm becomes strong, flex your PC as tight as you can, breathing in deeply through your mouth. Visualize your semen contracting back into you while you continually squeeze your PC tighter and tighter.

Perform this again, massaging your self until you feel the urge to ejaculate is inevitable. Once you are for sure you are going to climax, squeeze your PC as hard as you can while breathing in through your mouth deeply. Continue to tighten and tighten your PC muscle to keep from ejaculation. Visualize your semen starting over, contracting back until the urge subsides. Continue to squeeze your PC tighter until the urge to ejaculate has vanished. Do this ejaculatory control exercise 10 times, making sure not to ejaculate during the exercise. If you do ejaculate, you need to develop your PC muscle much more than it is.

Squeeze Your Life Out:
Once the ejaculatory control exercise has taken its toll on you after 10-20 sets, perform this exercise as many times as it takes to completely exhaust your PC muscle. Achieve an erection and flex your PC a few times while you massage it to make sure it is quite hard.


Once you have a firm erection, squeeze lightly around your penises shaft, right underneath the head. Now, flex your PC muscle as deep as you can until it flutters, then relax. When you flex your PC you should be able to feel your penis throb. Continue to do this over and over again until your erection becomes soft. Achieve another erection, and follow the directions again, over and over again. Do this until your PC muscle is completely exhausted and becomes difficult to even flex your PC. By the time your are done, you will know that your PC received a first class workout because it should tingle and feel quite tired.

You should perform these exercises every day, or at LEAST 4 times a week. I find that performing them every day not only forms a better habit, but also makes you feel more fit and potent. Your lover won't know what hit em, literally!

PC Muscle Blaster Exercise:
This exercise is a very intense and demanding workout that will absolutely work your PC muscle to the brink of exhaustion. Once again, PC exercises are the most important exercises you can do for penile fitness and strength development, I cannot stress this enough! Having a strong PC muscle will enable you to experience a whole new level of ecstasy when making love with your partner.

Imagine having the ability to actually make your erections ROCK HARD, and keep from ejaculating by simply flexing your PC muscle so tight it cut's off the ejaculatory canal. It is possible! If you are
ready to wake up every morning with rock hard erections, increase your ejaculation volume and intensity, and develop the ability to last as long as you want in bed, let's get started!

PC Blaster Exercise Starting Point:
Sit in a comfortable chair and find a position that you can be comfortable in for 10-20 minutes. Flex your PC and focus on it squeezing, hold for 10 seconds and warm up with a set of 50 PC clamps. While performing these, really breathe in deeply and flex and relax your PC.

After the 50 clamps are complete, squeeze your PC as tight as you possibly can, not allowing any slack to give. Keep tightening and hold for 20 seconds. Do NOT relax until the 20 seconds are up. Without resting, perform 100 PC clamps, flexing and relaxing at 2-second intervals. Do not give up! Continue to flex and relax your PC as tight as you can until the 100 clamps are completed. Breathe in deeply and slowly, visualizing energy and power radiating from your PC muscle. Visualize it as strong as anyone's could be.

Once this is completed, now the fun starts. Flex your PC as tight as you possibly can until you've reached your absolute maximum ability. Once there, hold as tight as you can without  allowing any slack to give. If you feel the urge to let up, squeeze even tighter and visualize your PC tightening tighter and tighter. Hold this for 1 minute without giving up.

Rest for 2 minutes and really focus on the tingly sensation coming from your PC. It should be very tired and extremely worked after this workout, but it's not over yet. Focus on your PC muscle gaining power with every breath you take. Breathe in deeply and visualize.

Now the last part of the workout is here, the concentration clamps. You're going for a set of 50 without stopping. DO NOT STOP until you have finished the 50 clamps, for you will appreciate the workout when you are finished. Before you start the last part of this exercise, there's one catch. These clamps aren't the same old flex and relax exercises, these are different. Each time you flex your PC, hold it as tight as you can for 5 seconds, then slowly release taking another 2 seconds. Each flex and relax should take 7 seconds in all. Remember you are going for a set of 50.

Once this workout is complete you should feel like your PC is on fire, and has been thoroughly worked. This exercise improves all round blood circulation to all parts of your penis, and should feel quite fatigued at the end. Perform this exercise at least 4 times a week and you will soon notice a drastic difference in your erection firmness and ability to last as long as you want by simply flexing your PC when the urge to ejaculate becomes strong.

Tip: When having sex with your partner, Don't flex your PC at the point of ejaculation. - You will just end up firing your load... Do the OPPOSITE a "Reverse Kegel", to do this try and force out a piss, and trust me that should stop the urge. I've been making the Kegel mistake for years but Reverse Kegel most commonly stops ejaculation. To learn more about reverse Kegels and other advanced techniques to stop premature ejaculation, get a copy of my Top 3 PC Muscle exercise programs: Ejaculation-Trainer, Staying-Power, or

That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day great.

Your friend in success,

The Penis Help Center

P.S. Do you want more advanced techniques to completely cure premature ejaculation safely and naturally starting today? Then choose one of my Top 3 Recommendations: The Ejaculation Trainer, Ejaculation By Command and Prejaculation.


  1. Thanks for this valuable free info. I have been trying these methods over the past 3 weeks after coming across your site and I have to admit that I am seeing some great results. Thanks a lot Robert.
