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Saturday, September 19, 2009

How To Get The First Date

Approach every girl with the intention of getting her out with you!

There are a lot of guys out there who don't have any problem meeting
women and talking to them. But for some reason, they just can't
quite keep the conversation going to a point where they're able to
ask the girl out. Let me make something clear:


So if you fail to do that, then you've just wasted your time.
Seriously, unless you were just bored and looking to pass the time
by chatting someone up, you've accomplished nothing. Whenever you
see a girl you want to meet, your goal should be to GET HER OUT ON
A DATE. Period. End of story.

And in order to do that, you have to build a certain amount of
trust and comfort in her before she will willingly give you her
(correct) phone number.

I know guys who can get a girl's number within a couple minutes
of meeting her. But the quality of that number isn't always the
best. About 90% of the time, it's a fake number the girl gave him
just to get away from him, and the other 10% of the time, the girl
isn't interested enough to go out with him. So going for the
number too soon before you've created enough trust and comfort
could dramatically lower your chances of seeing her again.

So here's what I recommend...

In a previous blog post, we covered how to captivate the girl's
with storytelling, and before that we covered how to
start conversations
with women using an Opener.

Now it's time to apply those lessons.

When you first meet a girl, it is usually a good idea to have
at least 3 openers and 3 stories memorized that you can talk to
them about. Be sure that the openers and stories are good,
open-ended, and interactive conversation pieces.

Then, you're going to STACK them.

What do I mean by that? Let's break it down scientifically...
Let's say you have Opener A + Story A.

You meet the girl with Opener A, which leads into Story A. As
soon as Story A runs its course, you change topics with Opener
B, which then leads into Story B. Then you repeat the process
with Opener C and Story C. See how that works?

In my experience, by the end of three stories, the woman
usually feels like she knows you enough and is comfortable
enough with you to want to see you again. THIS is the time
to get her number! I know that some guys might find this
prospect scary, because this could be where she rejects you.

The thing I want you to remember at this point is that women
KNOW when a man approaches them, they're interested in them.
And if you DO NOT ask her for her number, she will assume you
actually AREN'T interested in her, or don't have enough balls
to act on your interest, and move on.


Even if you KNOW you're going to crash and burn with this
girl, ask for her number anyway! That's the whole GOAL of
the interaction, so if you're going to fail, fail all the
way. Don't leave the woman you were talking to feeling
like you didn't cross the finish line.

Remember: You're going after the DATE. Get it or die trying!

Here's the sequence I usually follow when getting the date:

1. Invite her out right then and there. Either I'll ask her
what she's doing right now and if she wants to get a drink.
If that's not convenient, I'll ask her if she wants to
meet up later that night.

2. If she says "Yes" to meeting up later, I'll then ask for
her number. If she says "No," I'll still ask for her number
because I like her and I want to see her again.

3. Finally, I'll ask her when a good time to call is.

That simple 3-step process will get you a TON of dates.

Setting up the next meeting during the initial interaction
is ideal. If you can't do that, get her number and try to
set it up later.

Some guys say you should go for an email address instead
of a phone number. I've had mixed results with this tactic.
I still think the phone number is the way to go. Email has
too many variables that aren't in your favor. What if she
doesn't respond to your initial email? If you keep sending
emails, you run the risk of looking desperate.

If you call and she doesn't answer, you can continue to
call until you catch her. Once you get her on the phone
and talking, then you can set up the next date. You can
also ask her about email and Instant Messaging info.
Usually, you want to establish "second contact" before
going that route though.

In The Art Of Approaching Women, you get everything you
need to know to successfully ask a woman out on a date,
from reading her body language, to flirting, to creating
trust and comfort, it's all in there.

And remember, you must always approach every girl
with the intention of getting her out with you!
Unless you do that, you're just wasting your time.

If you'd like to learn more about the art of approaching or seducing
women, or if you want to learn the secrets to success with women then
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:

(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women

That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day

Your friend in success,

The Penis Help Center

P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!

P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:


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