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Saturday, September 19, 2009

How To Flirt With Women

How To Flirt With A Woman To Get Her Attracted To You

By now, you should know how to engage
a woman in conversation. Now, though
that's an important skill to have, it's only
HALF the battle. The other half of the
battle is moving from the MEET to getting
her ATTRACTED to you.

Have you ever seen any of those cheesy dating shows on TV? You know
the ones I'm talking about, where a camera crew follows a guy and a
girl around on different dates and sees if they're going to "hook up"
or not? I must admit, you can actually learn a LOT from watching them.

For instance, there's always a point in these shows where you can
tell if the guy is going to score with his woman or not. This usually
happens over dinner where they're actually forced to interact with
each other as opposed to going out and doing stupid "fun" activities
the producers of the shows set them up on.

This is where the man and the woman actually get to know one another
and find out if they're "compatible." There's a pattern as to which
guys get the girl and which guys don't! this pattern has to do
with one thing:


And when I say "the guy's ability to flirt," I'm talking about the
guy's ability to introduce a SEXUAL energy into his interaction with
the woman.

If a guy doesn't know how to flirt with a woman, he's going to fail
to arouse any type of "spark" or "chemistry" between the two, and
she's not going to be interested. This can either be from a complete
LACK of sexual energy, or too much sexual energy.

If a guy is too afraid to introduce the sexual element into his
interactions with women, they're not going to look at him in a
sexual manner. They may enjoy his company, they may even like him
a good deal, but they won't be able to turn that into a "romantic"

On the flip side, if a guy goes too far and pours on the sexual
element, this is going to turn a girl off, because there's no
mystery or challenge.

Remember, though women enjoy sexuality, if you focus too strongly
on it, they're going to feel as though you only want to use them
for sex, and they won't want to be with you if that's the case
(though there are exceptions to that rule, but for the most part,
that's how it works).

So the trick is to introduce the sexual element into your
interactions with the woman, but keep it subtle and slowly
escalate it!

Back to these dating shows, if you watch the dinner scenes, you
will always see that the guy who starts to talk about sex and
flirt with the girl in a non-overt way, he will usually be making
out with her by the end of the date! This is because flirting
communicates to the woman you're with that you're interested in
getting sexual with her, and you're giving her the opportunity
to do the same with you.

So the real trick when it comes to flirting is communicating
your sexuality in a non-threatening and fun way.

To flirt with a woman, you need to display two things:

1. Male sexuality
2. Confidence

Remember: Women are empathetic and emotional. They respond to
strong emotion and feelings. This means if you effectively send
out your male sexuality and confidence when flirting, women WILL
respond to it!

When it comes to communicating these traits, the non-verbal
element is always more important than the verbal aspect.
Too many guys think that just by chatting up a girl, they will
be able to successfully get her attracted.


Actions speak louder than words.

Women will pick up on what you do way more than what you say.
Your body language, voice tonality, and gestures will communicate
all you need without you actually having to say anything.

For instance, let's say you see a beautiful woman and you walk up
to her and say "Hello."

Now, depending on how you walk up to her, and how you say hello,
you can communicate anything from "You are the sexiest woman
alive and I want to make mad, passionate love to you," to "I'm just
being polite and I'm not interested in you at all."

When you communicate your male sexuality, you must show that you're
interested in a romantic interaction with a woman. Making jokes
about sex, talking about sex, winking at her, teasing her... these
are all ways you can communicate your sexuality.

When it comes to the confidence aspect, it comes down to you not
being afraid to communicate your sexuality to her, and not making
apologies for it. Often times, a guy will make a forward comment
to a woman, and then retreat with a "I'm just kidding," or "I
didn't mean that," type comment. This is the wrong thing to do!

If you look at a woman and playfully say something like "I know
you WANT me," and she looks at you funny, stick to your guns.
Don't retreat. Take it further. Tell her "You're trying to seduce
me. You're trying to get in my pants!" Just keep it light and
playful, and she'll come around. And if she doesn't, it might be
time to find a new woman to flirt with.

Flirting can be quite powerful because it not only communicates
your interest in the woman you're with, but HER interest in YOU.
If you flirt with a woman and she flirts back by playing along --
guess what?


If she doesn't reciprocate, chances are she's not interested and
you're wasting your time. Use your skills at reading body language
and flirting to gauge where you're woman is at and how far you need
to take it.

If you'd like to learn more about the art of approaching, Flirting with
women, or if you want to learn the secrets to success with women then
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:

(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women

That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day

Your friend in success,

The Penis Help Center

P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!

P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:


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