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Monday, August 31, 2009

Control Premature Ejaculation

You are not alone, you can be helped!

If you suffer from premature ejaculation (or if you know someone who does), then you're not alone.

It is estimated that premature ejaculation severely affects more than 10 million men, and virtually all men have experienced premature ejaculation at some point in their life. Premature ejaculation is the single biggest sexual problem facing men today.

You, like three in four men, come too fast.

You have your woman in bed, you have great foreplay, you and she feel aroused, and so you insert your penis and begin to thrust - oh, it feels so good! Then you shoot your load within seconds or minutes - well, that sucks. That's for sure.

What's worse is that your partner would probably be able to orgasm through vaginal intercourse if only you could go on for long enough. It makes you wonder why women put up with premature ejaculation - it can really spoil their fun. Presumably they put up with it because they love us. But the fact is that your partner loves it when you penetrate her. And she wants your penis in her vagina for a good session of lovemaking - not thirty seconds or three minutes!

So what are you going to do about your premature ejaculation? Are you going to remain a second rate lover for ever, selfishly ejaculating while she gets no sexual satisfaction? Give her a good bout of oral sex before you enter her, so you can console yourself with the thought that at least she's "satisfied"? Not really a satisfactory solution, because she will get much greater pleasure if you last longer during sex.

In a recent Poll we discovered:

93% of men wished they could last longer during sex before ejaculating.

Are you one of these men?

I know I was.

And check this out,

89% of all women asked, who admitted to being unfaithful to their male partner, said that they were driven to such an act of betrayal due to their man’s poor performance in bed and in particular, his inability to last long enough to allow her to have a vaginal orgasm!

Can YOU believe it?

That means WOMEN are blaming MEN for their own CHEATING!

We have also found that 8 out of 10 men can only last for 2 minutes or less before he ejaculates during penetration (this is not long enough for most women to have an orgasm).

Since premature ejaculation is so widespread, I felt that it was important to try and help educate men about premature ejaculation, as well as offer some advice for controlling premature ejaculation safely and naturally. Here are some links that with help you overcome your premature ejaculation:

* Frequently Asked Questions About Premature Ejaculation
* The Main Causes of Premature Ejaculation
* Prescription Drugs Used To Treat Premature Ejaculation
* Free Solutions To Get Rid Of Premature Ejaculation
* Special Premature Ejaculation Exercises That Work!

That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day great.

Your friend in success,

The Penis Help Center

P.S. Do you want more advanced techniques to completely cure premature ejaculation safely and naturally starting today? Then choose one of my Top 3 Recommendations: The Ejaculation Trainer, Ejaculation By Command and Prejaculation.

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