You Must Know The Right Way To Approach A Woman
I want to talk to you about the importance of
meeting women. Seriously.
See, most guys just don't realize that the most
important part of DATING is being able to
MEET the kind of woman you want to date!
If you aren't able to meet a woman, you'll
NEVER be able to date her! DUH!
So if you're neglecting your ability to:
*Overcome Approach Anxiety
*Approach Groups Of Women
*Meet Women In Any Location
*Come In Under Her Radar
You are SERIOUSLY at a disadvantage in your love life! Here's what
the average guys thinks about meeting women:
"I'll just wait for her to be alone, then walk up and compliment her
on her shoes, or something, and then buy her a drink. Then, I'll see
if I can get her number."
That's a train wreck waiting to happen. Let me break this down for
1. Meeting women when they are with their friends is WAY easier
than waiting for when they are alone! This is because women with
friends feel safe and relaxed, so their defenses aren't up.
If you wait until she's by herself to meet her, you're walking
into a situation where she's going to be WAY more defensive than
2. If you open her with some dumb compliment, she's going to know
you're hitting on her. Why? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT EVERY OTHER GUY
DOES! If you want to meet a woman, you need to be different, and
not come across as some lamer.
3. Buying a woman a drink is like pick-up suicide! Women will
plug you for free drinks all night long, and never talk to you
The purpose of approaching women is to transition into a DATE.
If you do the "May I buy you a drink" line, you might as well just
say "Hey ladies, I'm a walking ATM for tonight!"
4. Going for the number is always a bad idea! You should be going
for RAPPORT. You should be going for CONNECTIONS. If you can get
those, she'll actually OFFER you her number! And when that happens,
a next meeting is actually going to happen!
Now, answer me this: Do you still think knowing how to approach is
worthless? It's the first step. The most important step. And if
you don't know how to do it, you're screwed.
Is Meeting Women A Chore For You?
You know what? When you're single,
meeting women can be a real chore.
Seriously, it almost gets to the level of
being a "full time job." Going out night
after night, going to club after club, bar
after bar, facing rejection after rejection...
it's hard to do. And because it's hard, it
can get frustrating. People can sense that
frustration on a man. Most men can, and
women DEFINITELY can.
One thing to remember is that you project your attitude to the world
at all times. If you look like you're angry and frustrated and bored,
people aren't gonna want to be around you because you'll drag them
down into your mood. But if you go out with ulterior motives to
meeting women, like going to a club because there's a band there you
want to see, etc., you put yourself in a position where you can
enjoy yourself whether you meet women or not.
Now, we all know it's hard to project that "happy-go-lucky" attitude
all the time. And it's especially hard to do it at will. That's why,
if you're doing things you enjoy, you don't have to worry about
WORKING to feel good, because it'll come naturally. And you'll be
able to carry those feelings with you wherever you go.
Remember this: A guy who's having fun is INFINITELY more attractive
than one who isn't.
That is why the "fun factor" is very important to meeting them!
See, women are empathetic creatures by nature, they are more in tune
with their emotions and the emotions of people around them. When
you're having fun and projecting that energy, the women around you
will pick up on it and be drawn to you because it's a pleasurable
energy, as opposed to being frustrated and nervous, which almost
always pushes others away from you.
So remember to do things YOU like and have fun. Eventually, the
women will come around.
But what about the times you simply aren't able to have fun? What
then? Should you just count out women all together? Of course not.
Being able to turn emotions and feelings on and off is what is
commonly referred to as "State Control."
State Control all comes down to how well you know yourself and are
able to BE AWARE of what you're feeling at all times. And this comes
down to your "inner game," which encompasses things like confidence
and beliefs.
If you'd like to learn more about the art of approaching or seducing
women, or if you want to learn the secrets to success with women then
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:
(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
This website is a complete resource center of products, information, ideas and training to help men succeed in their love-life. It was created to assist persons who want to increase the size of their penis, learn to stop and prevent premature ejaculation, learn advanced sex tips, successful dating techniques. The main focus of this blog is to show men how to perfect their love lives to make it more enjoyable for themselves and their spouse.
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Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
How To Ask A Girl Out On A Date
The Right Way To Avoid Getting Rejected
QUESTION FROM A READER:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What and when are the best time and way to ask a girl for a date?
A lot of my friends tell me that the best way is to become a friend
with her at first and then to try to "deepen" the relationship. But
what I do is when I meet a girl that I am interested in, I ask her
out if not immediately, I do it the day after. And I always get
rejected. What do u think?
--- Ivan
MY RESPONSE:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Well, there's a definite school of thought for both sides of that
argument. But in a way, I think it's a loaded question. But I'll
try to answer it the best I can. What this really depends on is
the type of girl you're going after and the manner in which you
ask her out. So we'll tackle the first part now:
The Type Of Girl
Okay, now when I say "type of girl," I'm not talking about who
she is (blond, brunette, 5'7 tall, etc.). I'm talking about how
INTO you she is. See, if a girl likes you, it doesn't matter
when you ask her out. She's going to say YES.
But if she's on the fence, ambivalent to you, or maybe not all
that attracted to you (yet), she may need a little more time for
you to "work your magic" on her before she'll agree to go out
with you.
So before you ask a girl out, try to figure out where she's at
on the "I'm Into You" spectrum. It WILL affect your outcome.
Now onto the second part:
The Way You Ask Her Out
This is very important, because it's where most guys make a
mistake. There is a certain strategy to asking a girl out that
can be successful 99% of the time, and I'll share it with you
right here.
Regardless of whether she's into you or not, it's important
that you display your desire for her. Now, I'm not saying you
have to be drooling all over her in lust -- but I am saying
you need to FLIRT with her.
Flirting is important because it will sub communicate your
intentions. Too often, men will hide the fact they like a
girl, and then when they do finally ask her out, the girl
is surprised and scared because it seemed to have come out
of left field.
When you flirt with a girl, what you're doing is "priming
the pump" for the date. So when you DO ask her out, she's
ready for it and in some ways, expecting it. This will
totally bypass that "Shocked deer in headlights" look most
women will give you when they're suddenly asked out by a
When you try befriending a girl first, you run the risk
of getting pegged in that dreaded "let's just be friends"
category. But if you're flirtatious and the girl knows your
intentions (even if its on a subconscious level), you will
be able to avoid that pitfall because you're making it clear
from the beginning that you want to be more than just
So if the girl you're working on requires more time, do the
work, but don't completely cloak your intentions. Also,
don't do the "Would you like to go out sometime?" line to
ask a girl out. That's a TOTALLY loaded question because it
instantly snaps her into the "dating" mindset.
You may want to date a girl, but you don't want it to FEEL
like dating, because there are all sorts of preconceived
notions about dating that can work against you in the
long run.
When you ask a girl out, try doing it indirectly. Saying
something like "Hey, I'm going to this great concert (or
movie, or bar, or whatever) tomorrow night. Why don't you
come along?" or "Hey, what are you doing for dinner on
Thursday? I know this great place that I think you'd love!"
When you ask a girl out like this, you are, in fact,
asking her out on a date, but you're bypassing all the
"expectations" of dating. It helps keep things light and
fun while getting you the same result.
If you want to know more about how to tell if a girl is
into you, how to effectively flirt with a girl, and how
to ask a girl out on a date, you should definitely check
out The Art Of Approaching Women.
If you'd like to learn more about the art of approaching,
dating or seducing women, or if you want to learn the secrets
to success with women then check out my Top 3 Recommended
(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
QUESTION FROM A READER:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What and when are the best time and way to ask a girl for a date?
A lot of my friends tell me that the best way is to become a friend
with her at first and then to try to "deepen" the relationship. But
what I do is when I meet a girl that I am interested in, I ask her
out if not immediately, I do it the day after. And I always get
rejected. What do u think?
--- Ivan
MY RESPONSE:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Well, there's a definite school of thought for both sides of that
argument. But in a way, I think it's a loaded question. But I'll
try to answer it the best I can. What this really depends on is
the type of girl you're going after and the manner in which you
ask her out. So we'll tackle the first part now:
The Type Of Girl
Okay, now when I say "type of girl," I'm not talking about who
she is (blond, brunette, 5'7 tall, etc.). I'm talking about how
INTO you she is. See, if a girl likes you, it doesn't matter
when you ask her out. She's going to say YES.
But if she's on the fence, ambivalent to you, or maybe not all
that attracted to you (yet), she may need a little more time for
you to "work your magic" on her before she'll agree to go out
with you.
So before you ask a girl out, try to figure out where she's at
on the "I'm Into You" spectrum. It WILL affect your outcome.
Now onto the second part:
The Way You Ask Her Out
This is very important, because it's where most guys make a
mistake. There is a certain strategy to asking a girl out that
can be successful 99% of the time, and I'll share it with you
right here.
Regardless of whether she's into you or not, it's important
that you display your desire for her. Now, I'm not saying you
have to be drooling all over her in lust -- but I am saying
you need to FLIRT with her.
Flirting is important because it will sub communicate your
intentions. Too often, men will hide the fact they like a
girl, and then when they do finally ask her out, the girl
is surprised and scared because it seemed to have come out
of left field.
When you flirt with a girl, what you're doing is "priming
the pump" for the date. So when you DO ask her out, she's
ready for it and in some ways, expecting it. This will
totally bypass that "Shocked deer in headlights" look most
women will give you when they're suddenly asked out by a
When you try befriending a girl first, you run the risk
of getting pegged in that dreaded "let's just be friends"
category. But if you're flirtatious and the girl knows your
intentions (even if its on a subconscious level), you will
be able to avoid that pitfall because you're making it clear
from the beginning that you want to be more than just
So if the girl you're working on requires more time, do the
work, but don't completely cloak your intentions. Also,
don't do the "Would you like to go out sometime?" line to
ask a girl out. That's a TOTALLY loaded question because it
instantly snaps her into the "dating" mindset.
You may want to date a girl, but you don't want it to FEEL
like dating, because there are all sorts of preconceived
notions about dating that can work against you in the
long run.
When you ask a girl out, try doing it indirectly. Saying
something like "Hey, I'm going to this great concert (or
movie, or bar, or whatever) tomorrow night. Why don't you
come along?" or "Hey, what are you doing for dinner on
Thursday? I know this great place that I think you'd love!"
When you ask a girl out like this, you are, in fact,
asking her out on a date, but you're bypassing all the
"expectations" of dating. It helps keep things light and
fun while getting you the same result.
If you want to know more about how to tell if a girl is
into you, how to effectively flirt with a girl, and how
to ask a girl out on a date, you should definitely check
out The Art Of Approaching Women.
If you'd like to learn more about the art of approaching,
dating or seducing women, or if you want to learn the secrets
to success with women then check out my Top 3 Recommended
(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
How To Get The First Date
Approach every girl with the intention of getting her out with you!
There are a lot of guys out there who don't have any problem meeting
women and talking to them. But for some reason, they just can't
quite keep the conversation going to a point where they're able to
ask the girl out. Let me make something clear:
So if you fail to do that, then you've just wasted your time.
Seriously, unless you were just bored and looking to pass the time
by chatting someone up, you've accomplished nothing. Whenever you
see a girl you want to meet, your goal should be to GET HER OUT ON
A DATE. Period. End of story.
And in order to do that, you have to build a certain amount of
trust and comfort in her before she will willingly give you her
(correct) phone number.
I know guys who can get a girl's number within a couple minutes
of meeting her. But the quality of that number isn't always the
best. About 90% of the time, it's a fake number the girl gave him
just to get away from him, and the other 10% of the time, the girl
isn't interested enough to go out with him. So going for the
number too soon before you've created enough trust and comfort
could dramatically lower your chances of seeing her again.
So here's what I recommend...
In a previous blog post, we covered how to captivate the girl's
imagination with storytelling, and before that we covered how to
start conversations with women using an Opener.
Now it's time to apply those lessons.
When you first meet a girl, it is usually a good idea to have
at least 3 openers and 3 stories memorized that you can talk to
them about. Be sure that the openers and stories are good,
open-ended, and interactive conversation pieces.
Then, you're going to STACK them.
What do I mean by that? Let's break it down scientifically...
Let's say you have Opener A + Story A.
You meet the girl with Opener A, which leads into Story A. As
soon as Story A runs its course, you change topics with Opener
B, which then leads into Story B. Then you repeat the process
with Opener C and Story C. See how that works?
In my experience, by the end of three stories, the woman
usually feels like she knows you enough and is comfortable
enough with you to want to see you again. THIS is the time
to get her number! I know that some guys might find this
prospect scary, because this could be where she rejects you.
The thing I want you to remember at this point is that women
KNOW when a man approaches them, they're interested in them.
And if you DO NOT ask her for her number, she will assume you
actually AREN'T interested in her, or don't have enough balls
to act on your interest, and move on.
Even if you KNOW you're going to crash and burn with this
girl, ask for her number anyway! That's the whole GOAL of
the interaction, so if you're going to fail, fail all the
way. Don't leave the woman you were talking to feeling
like you didn't cross the finish line.
Remember: You're going after the DATE. Get it or die trying!
Here's the sequence I usually follow when getting the date:
1. Invite her out right then and there. Either I'll ask her
what she's doing right now and if she wants to get a drink.
If that's not convenient, I'll ask her if she wants to
meet up later that night.
2. If she says "Yes" to meeting up later, I'll then ask for
her number. If she says "No," I'll still ask for her number
because I like her and I want to see her again.
3. Finally, I'll ask her when a good time to call is.
That simple 3-step process will get you a TON of dates.
Setting up the next meeting during the initial interaction
is ideal. If you can't do that, get her number and try to
set it up later.
Some guys say you should go for an email address instead
of a phone number. I've had mixed results with this tactic.
I still think the phone number is the way to go. Email has
too many variables that aren't in your favor. What if she
doesn't respond to your initial email? If you keep sending
emails, you run the risk of looking desperate.
If you call and she doesn't answer, you can continue to
call until you catch her. Once you get her on the phone
and talking, then you can set up the next date. You can
also ask her about email and Instant Messaging info.
Usually, you want to establish "second contact" before
going that route though.
In The Art Of Approaching Women, you get everything you
need to know to successfully ask a woman out on a date,
from reading her body language, to flirting, to creating
trust and comfort, it's all in there.
And remember, you must always approach every girl
with the intention of getting her out with you!
Unless you do that, you're just wasting your time.
If you'd like to learn more about the art of approaching or seducing
women, or if you want to learn the secrets to success with women then
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:
(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
There are a lot of guys out there who don't have any problem meeting
women and talking to them. But for some reason, they just can't
quite keep the conversation going to a point where they're able to
ask the girl out. Let me make something clear:
So if you fail to do that, then you've just wasted your time.
Seriously, unless you were just bored and looking to pass the time
by chatting someone up, you've accomplished nothing. Whenever you
see a girl you want to meet, your goal should be to GET HER OUT ON
A DATE. Period. End of story.
And in order to do that, you have to build a certain amount of
trust and comfort in her before she will willingly give you her
(correct) phone number.
I know guys who can get a girl's number within a couple minutes
of meeting her. But the quality of that number isn't always the
best. About 90% of the time, it's a fake number the girl gave him
just to get away from him, and the other 10% of the time, the girl
isn't interested enough to go out with him. So going for the
number too soon before you've created enough trust and comfort
could dramatically lower your chances of seeing her again.
So here's what I recommend...
In a previous blog post, we covered how to captivate the girl's
imagination with storytelling, and before that we covered how to
start conversations with women using an Opener.
Now it's time to apply those lessons.
When you first meet a girl, it is usually a good idea to have
at least 3 openers and 3 stories memorized that you can talk to
them about. Be sure that the openers and stories are good,
open-ended, and interactive conversation pieces.
Then, you're going to STACK them.
What do I mean by that? Let's break it down scientifically...
Let's say you have Opener A + Story A.
You meet the girl with Opener A, which leads into Story A. As
soon as Story A runs its course, you change topics with Opener
B, which then leads into Story B. Then you repeat the process
with Opener C and Story C. See how that works?
In my experience, by the end of three stories, the woman
usually feels like she knows you enough and is comfortable
enough with you to want to see you again. THIS is the time
to get her number! I know that some guys might find this
prospect scary, because this could be where she rejects you.
The thing I want you to remember at this point is that women
KNOW when a man approaches them, they're interested in them.
And if you DO NOT ask her for her number, she will assume you
actually AREN'T interested in her, or don't have enough balls
to act on your interest, and move on.
Even if you KNOW you're going to crash and burn with this
girl, ask for her number anyway! That's the whole GOAL of
the interaction, so if you're going to fail, fail all the
way. Don't leave the woman you were talking to feeling
like you didn't cross the finish line.
Remember: You're going after the DATE. Get it or die trying!
Here's the sequence I usually follow when getting the date:
1. Invite her out right then and there. Either I'll ask her
what she's doing right now and if she wants to get a drink.
If that's not convenient, I'll ask her if she wants to
meet up later that night.
2. If she says "Yes" to meeting up later, I'll then ask for
her number. If she says "No," I'll still ask for her number
because I like her and I want to see her again.
3. Finally, I'll ask her when a good time to call is.
That simple 3-step process will get you a TON of dates.
Setting up the next meeting during the initial interaction
is ideal. If you can't do that, get her number and try to
set it up later.
Some guys say you should go for an email address instead
of a phone number. I've had mixed results with this tactic.
I still think the phone number is the way to go. Email has
too many variables that aren't in your favor. What if she
doesn't respond to your initial email? If you keep sending
emails, you run the risk of looking desperate.
If you call and she doesn't answer, you can continue to
call until you catch her. Once you get her on the phone
and talking, then you can set up the next date. You can
also ask her about email and Instant Messaging info.
Usually, you want to establish "second contact" before
going that route though.
In The Art Of Approaching Women, you get everything you
need to know to successfully ask a woman out on a date,
from reading her body language, to flirting, to creating
trust and comfort, it's all in there.
And remember, you must always approach every girl
with the intention of getting her out with you!
Unless you do that, you're just wasting your time.
If you'd like to learn more about the art of approaching or seducing
women, or if you want to learn the secrets to success with women then
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:
(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
How To Completely Captivate A Woman
The Art Of Story-Telling
When I was first starting out trying to
get better with women, I WISH there
had been a resource like this blog to
guide me in my quest to improve my
love life. But it's because there was no
resource like my blog that's why I
decided to create this blog, so you
wouldn't have to go through all the
trial and error I did!
And one of the hardest things I had
to figure out was what to do AFTER
I meet a woman. I mean, flirting is
good, and it's a powerful tool. But
you need to have a framework that
will allow you to use it.
And that framework is...
Yes, I know, that sounds dumb, but bear with me... When I was
struggling to meet women, I was able to get to the point where I could
talk to them, I could even flirt a little with them, but after that,
the interaction just peetered out. Basically, I couldn't think of
anything to talk about! And the woman would get bored, and eventually
move on to something more interesting.
Then, one night, I was out with a friend of mine who's naturally good
with women, and we went to a bar. Now, I had never really taken the
time to sit back and observe what this friend of mine did, but this
night, I decided to hang back and watch him work. And I was SHOCKED
at the results. I came to realize that I was doing everything my
friend was doing, EXCEPT telling stories!
The funny thing is, I've heard his stories so many times, that I
learned to tune them out when he'd retell them to women. What I
realized was that though I was bored with the stories, the girls were
completely captivated by them!
It's funny, because most men who are naturals with women are usually
good storytellers. They're able to tell a story that's so
entertaining, you can't help but have a good time with them!
Remember this: Storytelling = Entertainment = Good Time
And if you can show a woman a good time, they'll always want to be
around you!
Now, another interesting fact about naturals with women, is that
they always tell the same stories over and over again. This is
because they perfect their stories every time they tell them, and
they also know which stories work to get the women they're talking
to interested!
But these stories all have something in common, no matter who is
telling what story. There's one common factor that binds them all
together. It's the "secret" of every natural ladies man anywhere,
and I'm going to share it with you right now.
That's right. They talk about themselves. There's a very specific
reason for this that I'll get to in just a moment.
somefundamentals of storytelling:
The first thing you have to do is KNOW SOME GOOD STORIES.
They should be stories from your life that are entertaining.
Beware boring stories! They will KILL the vibe of your interaction.
Next, when you meet a girl, ask her some questions about herself.
Simple things like "Where are you from," or "What do you like to do."
Keep asking her about herself until you find something you can relate
your story to.
For instance, if she's from Chicago, and you have a story about
living in Chicago or visiting Chicago, that's the perfect time to
tell it!
It's important to tell stories that relate to the woman's experience,
because that helps you to create a sense of connection with her. It's
a way of creating a common experience you both share. Remember that
old phrase "We have so much in common!"?
Well, that's important because people gravitate towards that which
is familiar. And the more familiar you can make yourself to her, the
easier time you'll have getting a date.
Finally, make sure you're story is about YOU! I mentioned this
before, about how most naturals just talk about themselves, but
there's a reason for doing this beyond seeming self-centered.
When you tell a story that's fun and entertaining, where YOU'RE the
main character, others will associate their good feelings that story
creates with YOU. The more good feelings you can associate with
yourself, the easier your job becomes, because trust and comfort
are created in your audience.
In The Art Of Approaching ebook, you can learn advanced techniques
to craft your own stories and all the elements you need to have in
place to totally captivate a woman and get her interested in you.
If you'd like to learn more about the art of Storytelling or seducing
women, or if you want to learn the secrets to success with women then
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:
(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
When I was first starting out trying to
get better with women, I WISH there
had been a resource like this blog to
guide me in my quest to improve my
love life. But it's because there was no
resource like my blog that's why I
decided to create this blog, so you
wouldn't have to go through all the
trial and error I did!
And one of the hardest things I had
to figure out was what to do AFTER
I meet a woman. I mean, flirting is
good, and it's a powerful tool. But
you need to have a framework that
will allow you to use it.
And that framework is...
Yes, I know, that sounds dumb, but bear with me... When I was
struggling to meet women, I was able to get to the point where I could
talk to them, I could even flirt a little with them, but after that,
the interaction just peetered out. Basically, I couldn't think of
anything to talk about! And the woman would get bored, and eventually
move on to something more interesting.
Then, one night, I was out with a friend of mine who's naturally good
with women, and we went to a bar. Now, I had never really taken the
time to sit back and observe what this friend of mine did, but this
night, I decided to hang back and watch him work. And I was SHOCKED
at the results. I came to realize that I was doing everything my
friend was doing, EXCEPT telling stories!
The funny thing is, I've heard his stories so many times, that I
learned to tune them out when he'd retell them to women. What I
realized was that though I was bored with the stories, the girls were
completely captivated by them!
It's funny, because most men who are naturals with women are usually
good storytellers. They're able to tell a story that's so
entertaining, you can't help but have a good time with them!
Remember this: Storytelling = Entertainment = Good Time
And if you can show a woman a good time, they'll always want to be
around you!
Now, another interesting fact about naturals with women, is that
they always tell the same stories over and over again. This is
because they perfect their stories every time they tell them, and
they also know which stories work to get the women they're talking
to interested!
But these stories all have something in common, no matter who is
telling what story. There's one common factor that binds them all
together. It's the "secret" of every natural ladies man anywhere,
and I'm going to share it with you right now.
That's right. They talk about themselves. There's a very specific
reason for this that I'll get to in just a moment.
somefundamentals of storytelling:
The first thing you have to do is KNOW SOME GOOD STORIES.
They should be stories from your life that are entertaining.
Beware boring stories! They will KILL the vibe of your interaction.
Next, when you meet a girl, ask her some questions about herself.
Simple things like "Where are you from," or "What do you like to do."
Keep asking her about herself until you find something you can relate
your story to.
For instance, if she's from Chicago, and you have a story about
living in Chicago or visiting Chicago, that's the perfect time to
tell it!
It's important to tell stories that relate to the woman's experience,
because that helps you to create a sense of connection with her. It's
a way of creating a common experience you both share. Remember that
old phrase "We have so much in common!"?
Well, that's important because people gravitate towards that which
is familiar. And the more familiar you can make yourself to her, the
easier time you'll have getting a date.
Finally, make sure you're story is about YOU! I mentioned this
before, about how most naturals just talk about themselves, but
there's a reason for doing this beyond seeming self-centered.
When you tell a story that's fun and entertaining, where YOU'RE the
main character, others will associate their good feelings that story
creates with YOU. The more good feelings you can associate with
yourself, the easier your job becomes, because trust and comfort
are created in your audience.
In The Art Of Approaching ebook, you can learn advanced techniques
to craft your own stories and all the elements you need to have in
place to totally captivate a woman and get her interested in you.
If you'd like to learn more about the art of Storytelling or seducing
women, or if you want to learn the secrets to success with women then
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:
(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
How To Flirt With Women
How To Flirt With A Woman To Get Her Attracted To You
By now, you should know how to engage
a woman in conversation. Now, though
that's an important skill to have, it's only
HALF the battle. The other half of the
battle is moving from the MEET to getting
her ATTRACTED to you.
Have you ever seen any of those cheesy dating shows on TV? You know
the ones I'm talking about, where a camera crew follows a guy and a
girl around on different dates and sees if they're going to "hook up"
or not? I must admit, you can actually learn a LOT from watching them.
For instance, there's always a point in these shows where you can
tell if the guy is going to score with his woman or not. This usually
happens over dinner where they're actually forced to interact with
each other as opposed to going out and doing stupid "fun" activities
the producers of the shows set them up on.
This is where the man and the woman actually get to know one another
and find out if they're "compatible." There's a pattern as to which
guys get the girl and which guys don't! this pattern has to do
with one thing:
And when I say "the guy's ability to flirt," I'm talking about the
guy's ability to introduce a SEXUAL energy into his interaction with
the woman.
If a guy doesn't know how to flirt with a woman, he's going to fail
to arouse any type of "spark" or "chemistry" between the two, and
she's not going to be interested. This can either be from a complete
LACK of sexual energy, or too much sexual energy.
If a guy is too afraid to introduce the sexual element into his
interactions with women, they're not going to look at him in a
sexual manner. They may enjoy his company, they may even like him
a good deal, but they won't be able to turn that into a "romantic"
On the flip side, if a guy goes too far and pours on the sexual
element, this is going to turn a girl off, because there's no
mystery or challenge.
Remember, though women enjoy sexuality, if you focus too strongly
on it, they're going to feel as though you only want to use them
for sex, and they won't want to be with you if that's the case
(though there are exceptions to that rule, but for the most part,
that's how it works).
So the trick is to introduce the sexual element into your
interactions with the woman, but keep it subtle and slowly
escalate it!
Back to these dating shows, if you watch the dinner scenes, you
will always see that the guy who starts to talk about sex and
flirt with the girl in a non-overt way, he will usually be making
out with her by the end of the date! This is because flirting
communicates to the woman you're with that you're interested in
getting sexual with her, and you're giving her the opportunity
to do the same with you.
So the real trick when it comes to flirting is communicating
your sexuality in a non-threatening and fun way.
To flirt with a woman, you need to display two things:
1. Male sexuality
2. Confidence
Remember: Women are empathetic and emotional. They respond to
strong emotion and feelings. This means if you effectively send
out your male sexuality and confidence when flirting, women WILL
respond to it!
When it comes to communicating these traits, the non-verbal
element is always more important than the verbal aspect.
Too many guys think that just by chatting up a girl, they will
be able to successfully get her attracted.
Actions speak louder than words.
Women will pick up on what you do way more than what you say.
Your body language, voice tonality, and gestures will communicate
all you need without you actually having to say anything.
For instance, let's say you see a beautiful woman and you walk up
to her and say "Hello."
Now, depending on how you walk up to her, and how you say hello,
you can communicate anything from "You are the sexiest woman
alive and I want to make mad, passionate love to you," to "I'm just
being polite and I'm not interested in you at all."
When you communicate your male sexuality, you must show that you're
interested in a romantic interaction with a woman. Making jokes
about sex, talking about sex, winking at her, teasing her... these
are all ways you can communicate your sexuality.
When it comes to the confidence aspect, it comes down to you not
being afraid to communicate your sexuality to her, and not making
apologies for it. Often times, a guy will make a forward comment
to a woman, and then retreat with a "I'm just kidding," or "I
didn't mean that," type comment. This is the wrong thing to do!
If you look at a woman and playfully say something like "I know
you WANT me," and she looks at you funny, stick to your guns.
Don't retreat. Take it further. Tell her "You're trying to seduce
me. You're trying to get in my pants!" Just keep it light and
playful, and she'll come around. And if she doesn't, it might be
time to find a new woman to flirt with.
Flirting can be quite powerful because it not only communicates
your interest in the woman you're with, but HER interest in YOU.
If you flirt with a woman and she flirts back by playing along --
guess what?
If she doesn't reciprocate, chances are she's not interested and
you're wasting your time. Use your skills at reading body language
and flirting to gauge where you're woman is at and how far you need
to take it.
If you'd like to learn more about the art of approaching, Flirting with
women, or if you want to learn the secrets to success with women then
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:
(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
By now, you should know how to engage
a woman in conversation. Now, though
that's an important skill to have, it's only
HALF the battle. The other half of the
battle is moving from the MEET to getting
her ATTRACTED to you.
Have you ever seen any of those cheesy dating shows on TV? You know
the ones I'm talking about, where a camera crew follows a guy and a
girl around on different dates and sees if they're going to "hook up"
or not? I must admit, you can actually learn a LOT from watching them.
For instance, there's always a point in these shows where you can
tell if the guy is going to score with his woman or not. This usually
happens over dinner where they're actually forced to interact with
each other as opposed to going out and doing stupid "fun" activities
the producers of the shows set them up on.
This is where the man and the woman actually get to know one another
and find out if they're "compatible." There's a pattern as to which
guys get the girl and which guys don't! this pattern has to do
with one thing:
And when I say "the guy's ability to flirt," I'm talking about the
guy's ability to introduce a SEXUAL energy into his interaction with
the woman.
If a guy doesn't know how to flirt with a woman, he's going to fail
to arouse any type of "spark" or "chemistry" between the two, and
she's not going to be interested. This can either be from a complete
LACK of sexual energy, or too much sexual energy.
If a guy is too afraid to introduce the sexual element into his
interactions with women, they're not going to look at him in a
sexual manner. They may enjoy his company, they may even like him
a good deal, but they won't be able to turn that into a "romantic"
On the flip side, if a guy goes too far and pours on the sexual
element, this is going to turn a girl off, because there's no
mystery or challenge.
Remember, though women enjoy sexuality, if you focus too strongly
on it, they're going to feel as though you only want to use them
for sex, and they won't want to be with you if that's the case
(though there are exceptions to that rule, but for the most part,
that's how it works).
So the trick is to introduce the sexual element into your
interactions with the woman, but keep it subtle and slowly
escalate it!
Back to these dating shows, if you watch the dinner scenes, you
will always see that the guy who starts to talk about sex and
flirt with the girl in a non-overt way, he will usually be making
out with her by the end of the date! This is because flirting
communicates to the woman you're with that you're interested in
getting sexual with her, and you're giving her the opportunity
to do the same with you.
So the real trick when it comes to flirting is communicating
your sexuality in a non-threatening and fun way.
To flirt with a woman, you need to display two things:
1. Male sexuality
2. Confidence
Remember: Women are empathetic and emotional. They respond to
strong emotion and feelings. This means if you effectively send
out your male sexuality and confidence when flirting, women WILL
respond to it!
When it comes to communicating these traits, the non-verbal
element is always more important than the verbal aspect.
Too many guys think that just by chatting up a girl, they will
be able to successfully get her attracted.
Actions speak louder than words.
Women will pick up on what you do way more than what you say.
Your body language, voice tonality, and gestures will communicate
all you need without you actually having to say anything.
For instance, let's say you see a beautiful woman and you walk up
to her and say "Hello."
Now, depending on how you walk up to her, and how you say hello,
you can communicate anything from "You are the sexiest woman
alive and I want to make mad, passionate love to you," to "I'm just
being polite and I'm not interested in you at all."
When you communicate your male sexuality, you must show that you're
interested in a romantic interaction with a woman. Making jokes
about sex, talking about sex, winking at her, teasing her... these
are all ways you can communicate your sexuality.
When it comes to the confidence aspect, it comes down to you not
being afraid to communicate your sexuality to her, and not making
apologies for it. Often times, a guy will make a forward comment
to a woman, and then retreat with a "I'm just kidding," or "I
didn't mean that," type comment. This is the wrong thing to do!
If you look at a woman and playfully say something like "I know
you WANT me," and she looks at you funny, stick to your guns.
Don't retreat. Take it further. Tell her "You're trying to seduce
me. You're trying to get in my pants!" Just keep it light and
playful, and she'll come around. And if she doesn't, it might be
time to find a new woman to flirt with.
Flirting can be quite powerful because it not only communicates
your interest in the woman you're with, but HER interest in YOU.
If you flirt with a woman and she flirts back by playing along --
guess what?
If she doesn't reciprocate, chances are she's not interested and
you're wasting your time. Use your skills at reading body language
and flirting to gauge where you're woman is at and how far you need
to take it.
If you'd like to learn more about the art of approaching, Flirting with
women, or if you want to learn the secrets to success with women then
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:
(1) How A Guy Can Get Any Girl He Wants!
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
How To Start Conversations With Women
Learn To Meet The Women You Want!
By now we have covered the two foundations of being more successful
with women -- namely how to read their body language and how to
improve your self-confidence. Now that you've got the fundamentals
down, it's time to take the plunge and...
If you're going to meet a woman, you have to know how to start a
conversation with her. There's just no way around it. You must
engage her in some manner, and the easiest (and most accepted) way
is to talk to her. But this is where most men choke.
Have you ever been in a situation where you saw a really beautiful
woman that you wanted to meet, and then suddenly your brain took a
vacation and you simply --
And then, before you know it, the moment has passed, the opportunity
is gone, and the woman you wanted to meet is now gone forever! Or
worse yet... You ARE able to think of something to say to her, but
the conversation quickly fizzles out and the girl moves on, leaving
you feeling like you've blown your chance!
Hey, we've all been there before.
Here's a FACT for you to chew on... Being able to quickly engage a
woman in a conversation DRAMATICALLY increases your ability to get
them on a date! See, when you have a conversation with another
person, you're not just simply TALKING to them.
What you're doing is creating rapport and comfort with that person,
which are the necessary building blocks of HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS.
Without rapport and comfort, there is no way you can get a girl to
give you a serious commitment to see you again. Period.
Now, I know that there are some guys out there who would rather
take a swift kick to the teeth than talk to a girl. But that's
because they simply don't know what to say to a woman to get a
conversation started with them!
To start a conversation you will need a good opener. The
Opener is a line you can use to start a conversation with a woman
that has the ability to lead into a larger conversation and more
interaction with her. It's the catalyst of every interaction you'll have
with a girl.
Usually, I recommend you have 3 openers memorized and ready to go,
so that once one runs its course, you have two more ready to go to
carry on that conversation. A good Opener can be anything that's
relatively open-ended, and can be transformed into different
Here's one you can try out for yourself:
"Hi, this will only take a second -- I need a female
opinion on something. My little niece (or cousin,
or sister, or daughter) has a birthday coming up,
and she's at that age where she's really into
stuffed animals, and I'm wondering... do you think
a little girl would like a stuffed tiger or a
stuffed unicorn better?"
Now, after saying this, she may ask you questions about your niece,
like how old she is and what she likes.
Tell her that she's young (like 10-12) and that she has so many
stuffed animals already, but you know she doesn't have a unicorn
or a tiger. When the woman you're talking to answers, ask her why
she thinks that's the way to go.
So for instance:
HER: Get her the tiger. Totally.
YOU: The tiger? Why do you think the tiger is the way to go?
HER: Tigers are cool! They're like big cuddly cats.
From there, you can talk about any number of things. Her childhood,
what stuffed animals she liked growing up, her love of cats, the
toys you used to play with when you were young, etc. Just find
SOMETHING the woman says to latch onto and use that to relate to
Start talking about that one topic until the conversation starts to
flow. And if one conversation runs its course, you can stack
another opener to start a new conversation. For instance, a good
follow-up to this opener is: "So, do you like kids?"
After she answers, ask her why is it she feels that way. Then talk
about your views on kids (tip: Always agree with her point of
view! At least initially). Eventually, the conversation will be
flowing, and before you know it, it's time to ask for her number
and set up a date!
Openers for All "Situations"
I want to share a story with you all that I thought was interesting.
Friday night, I was out with a friend of mine clubbing. As we were
walking from one club to another, we saw two women walking together
in front of us.
These women were HOT! So hot, in fact, that every guy they passed
by on the sidewalk tried to talk to them. How did they try this? By
saying things like: "Hey, where you going?" "Damn, you fine!"
"Hey, come back here, baby!"
Needless to say, these girls were completely IGNORING each and every
guy who talked to them. It's a harsh reality that most girls who are
as hot as these two were get approached by men ALL THE TIME, and have
heard every stupid line in the book. In fact, they get approached so
much, that they don't even respond anymore. They're just focused on
getting to where they're going.
So of course, upon seeing this, I thought to myself "How would I
approach these girls?" The answer was pretty self-evident. In fact,
it was staring me right in the face! Here it is:
"Oh my god! Every single guy is trying to
pick you guys up! How annoying is that?
You guys need to hire BODYGUARDS just to
keep all these horny waldos at bay!"
This is an example of a SITUATIONAL OPENER. Situational Openers can
be the best way to meet a woman if they are done right. This is
because this type of Opener is UNIQUE to the interaction you are
having with the woman.
Not only that, but it shows you and her have a common understanding
of the reality you are mutually experiencing. And that, my friends,
creates a connection between the two of you. It's like knowing the
punchline to a joke most others have no clue about.
The "Crash and Burn" Opener:
This is one of my most favorite kind of situational opener, namely,
the "Crash and Burn" opener:
This is a situational opener where you capitalize on other men's
failures, while conveying the illusion that you are different
from the other guys and are not looking to get into the woman's
pants (even though the truth may be VASTLY different from that which
you are conveying).
For example, anytime you are in a situation where there are women
you want to approach, and you see a guy go up to them and try to
hit on them, this gives you the chance to use the "Crash and Burn"
Simply walk up to the girl, and comment on what the other guy did
wrong. Saying things like:
"So, how did he do?" or
"Did it hurt? He was hitting on you pretty hard. Did it hurt?"
Or anything along those lines will open up your target for conversation.
These types of "Crash and Burn" openers work great in high stimulus
environments where girls are being hit on (like bars and clubs, for
So next time you see some poor guy strike out, be sure to take the
opportunity to capitalize on it!
Seriously, go out and try the Openers I've given you for yourself
and see what results you'll get. I guarantee you'll be pleasantly
surprised at the reactions you get.
It is VITALLY important you develop this skill, otherwise you will
have an extremely hard time meeting women and getting them to go
out with you.
Of course, maybe these particular openers aren't for you. In the
course, The Art Of Approaching Women, my friend Joseph Matthews
lists a TON of openers which have all been tested on real women out
in the real world, and have been PROVEN to work.
Here are the Top 3 courses I recommend if you want to learn how
start conversations with women to get them where you want them:
(1) Guy Gets Girl
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
By now we have covered the two foundations of being more successful
with women -- namely how to read their body language and how to
improve your self-confidence. Now that you've got the fundamentals
down, it's time to take the plunge and...
If you're going to meet a woman, you have to know how to start a
conversation with her. There's just no way around it. You must
engage her in some manner, and the easiest (and most accepted) way
is to talk to her. But this is where most men choke.
Have you ever been in a situation where you saw a really beautiful
woman that you wanted to meet, and then suddenly your brain took a
vacation and you simply --
And then, before you know it, the moment has passed, the opportunity
is gone, and the woman you wanted to meet is now gone forever! Or
worse yet... You ARE able to think of something to say to her, but
the conversation quickly fizzles out and the girl moves on, leaving
you feeling like you've blown your chance!
Hey, we've all been there before.
Here's a FACT for you to chew on... Being able to quickly engage a
woman in a conversation DRAMATICALLY increases your ability to get
them on a date! See, when you have a conversation with another
person, you're not just simply TALKING to them.
What you're doing is creating rapport and comfort with that person,
which are the necessary building blocks of HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS.
Without rapport and comfort, there is no way you can get a girl to
give you a serious commitment to see you again. Period.
Now, I know that there are some guys out there who would rather
take a swift kick to the teeth than talk to a girl. But that's
because they simply don't know what to say to a woman to get a
conversation started with them!
To start a conversation you will need a good opener. The
Opener is a line you can use to start a conversation with a woman
that has the ability to lead into a larger conversation and more
interaction with her. It's the catalyst of every interaction you'll have
with a girl.
Usually, I recommend you have 3 openers memorized and ready to go,
so that once one runs its course, you have two more ready to go to
carry on that conversation. A good Opener can be anything that's
relatively open-ended, and can be transformed into different
Here's one you can try out for yourself:
"Hi, this will only take a second -- I need a female
opinion on something. My little niece (or cousin,
or sister, or daughter) has a birthday coming up,
and she's at that age where she's really into
stuffed animals, and I'm wondering... do you think
a little girl would like a stuffed tiger or a
stuffed unicorn better?"
Now, after saying this, she may ask you questions about your niece,
like how old she is and what she likes.
Tell her that she's young (like 10-12) and that she has so many
stuffed animals already, but you know she doesn't have a unicorn
or a tiger. When the woman you're talking to answers, ask her why
she thinks that's the way to go.
So for instance:
HER: Get her the tiger. Totally.
YOU: The tiger? Why do you think the tiger is the way to go?
HER: Tigers are cool! They're like big cuddly cats.
From there, you can talk about any number of things. Her childhood,
what stuffed animals she liked growing up, her love of cats, the
toys you used to play with when you were young, etc. Just find
SOMETHING the woman says to latch onto and use that to relate to
Start talking about that one topic until the conversation starts to
flow. And if one conversation runs its course, you can stack
another opener to start a new conversation. For instance, a good
follow-up to this opener is: "So, do you like kids?"
After she answers, ask her why is it she feels that way. Then talk
about your views on kids (tip: Always agree with her point of
view! At least initially). Eventually, the conversation will be
flowing, and before you know it, it's time to ask for her number
and set up a date!
Openers for All "Situations"
I want to share a story with you all that I thought was interesting.
Friday night, I was out with a friend of mine clubbing. As we were
walking from one club to another, we saw two women walking together
in front of us.
These women were HOT! So hot, in fact, that every guy they passed
by on the sidewalk tried to talk to them. How did they try this? By
saying things like: "Hey, where you going?" "Damn, you fine!"
"Hey, come back here, baby!"
Needless to say, these girls were completely IGNORING each and every
guy who talked to them. It's a harsh reality that most girls who are
as hot as these two were get approached by men ALL THE TIME, and have
heard every stupid line in the book. In fact, they get approached so
much, that they don't even respond anymore. They're just focused on
getting to where they're going.
So of course, upon seeing this, I thought to myself "How would I
approach these girls?" The answer was pretty self-evident. In fact,
it was staring me right in the face! Here it is:
"Oh my god! Every single guy is trying to
pick you guys up! How annoying is that?
You guys need to hire BODYGUARDS just to
keep all these horny waldos at bay!"
This is an example of a SITUATIONAL OPENER. Situational Openers can
be the best way to meet a woman if they are done right. This is
because this type of Opener is UNIQUE to the interaction you are
having with the woman.
Not only that, but it shows you and her have a common understanding
of the reality you are mutually experiencing. And that, my friends,
creates a connection between the two of you. It's like knowing the
punchline to a joke most others have no clue about.
The "Crash and Burn" Opener:
This is one of my most favorite kind of situational opener, namely,
the "Crash and Burn" opener:
This is a situational opener where you capitalize on other men's
failures, while conveying the illusion that you are different
from the other guys and are not looking to get into the woman's
pants (even though the truth may be VASTLY different from that which
you are conveying).
For example, anytime you are in a situation where there are women
you want to approach, and you see a guy go up to them and try to
hit on them, this gives you the chance to use the "Crash and Burn"
Simply walk up to the girl, and comment on what the other guy did
wrong. Saying things like:
"So, how did he do?" or
"Did it hurt? He was hitting on you pretty hard. Did it hurt?"
Or anything along those lines will open up your target for conversation.
These types of "Crash and Burn" openers work great in high stimulus
environments where girls are being hit on (like bars and clubs, for
So next time you see some poor guy strike out, be sure to take the
opportunity to capitalize on it!
Seriously, go out and try the Openers I've given you for yourself
and see what results you'll get. I guarantee you'll be pleasantly
surprised at the reactions you get.
It is VITALLY important you develop this skill, otherwise you will
have an extremely hard time meeting women and getting them to go
out with you.
Of course, maybe these particular openers aren't for you. In the
course, The Art Of Approaching Women, my friend Joseph Matthews
lists a TON of openers which have all been tested on real women out
in the real world, and have been PROVEN to work.
Here are the Top 3 courses I recommend if you want to learn how
start conversations with women to get them where you want them:
(1) Guy Gets Girl
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
Female Body Language - Can You Read It?
Does she want you or not? Here's how to know:
One of the best pieces of advice I ever
got from a friend of mine that's good
with women is this:
"Don't listen to what a person says.
Look at what they do! That will
always reveal their true motives."
This is completely true when it
comes to women. Remember: Most
women have no idea what they really
So never listen to what they tell you when it comes to what kind of
men they like, because they're susceptible to how men make them
If a woman says she likes "Tall guys," and you're 5'2, you're NOT
out of the ball game. Maybe she likes tall guys because tall guys
make her feel safe. That means all you have to do is make this girl
feel safe with you, and you're on the same playing field as a guy
twice your size.
With that said, pay attention to the signals a woman's body sends
out, and you will always, always, ALWAYS know if you're wasting
your time, if what you're doing is working, if she's open to be
approached, etc.
When it comes to body language, always remember this GOLDEN RULE:
***Pay Attention To Her Eyes***
The eyes are the window to the soul, and they will always betray
what a person is really feeling. If you know how to use eye
contact properly, you will experience amazing results with women.
Here's something I want you to try...
The next time you go out, make it a point to make EYE CONTACT
with every girl you see. If you see a girl you like, lock your
eyes on her until she makes eye contact with you.
When this happens, raise your eyebrows at her (you know, the ol'
eyebrow wink!), and follow that with a smile. Pay attention to
her response. If she smiles back, holds eye contact a little
longer, and looks away (in typical sideways glance fashion), and
keeps glancing back at you, guess what? She's open to you meeting
But if she shows no expression and looks away quickly, never
bothering to look in your direction again, you'll be wasting your
time on her! So now you know it's best to move on and find another
women who WILL enjoy your company.
Just by using this simple trick, you'll see your success rate
with women skyrocket! I know guys who just use this method of
meeting women and never, ever, EVER get rejected.
You Must Have Self Confidence
However, the first step in getting good with women is learning
how to be more confident in yourself. Let’s face it, if you ask
any woman what the most attractive quality is in men, they will
almost always say “Confidence.” Nothing is sexier to women than
a man who is confident in himself.
The problem most guys face, however, is that they’re never
really sure what it means to actually “be confident.” To me,
confidence is really just “secure self-knowledge.” It’s about
knowing who you are, what you like, what you dislike, and how to
act in any given situation. Fear, nervousness, and uncertainty
all manifest themselves in ways which destroy confidence.
So if you are with a girl, and you are unsure what to do, you
lose that feeling of confidence that can make you so attractive
to the ladies. A lot of so-called “dating coaches” out there
will advise you to “fake it until you make it.” In other words
act confident until you ARE confident. Personally, I think this
is a horrible idea. You can act as confident as you want, but
the minute you get rejected by a girl, you open yourself up to
severe depression.
Instead, you want to learn to love who you are, and be secure
in what you believe. This is a great way to start your journey
to becoming more successful with women.
First off, I want you to understand that your lack of confidence
comes from your current BELIEF SYSTEM. If you get nervous around
women, or rehearse failure or bad things in your mind, it's
because you've TRAINED YOURSELF to believe that way.
When we're born, we don't have a set of beliefs pre-installed
within us. We are a blank slate! Completely free of any negative
thoughts or beliefs.
But as we grow up, our experiences and our upbringing helps to
shape that which we believe about ourselves. Sometimes those
beliefs are correct. Other times, those beliefs are dead wrong.
For instance, let's say the first time you liked a girl in first
grade, you tried to kiss her or something, and all the kids made
fun of you for "liking a girl." So you were ashamed and suffered
through all the teasing.
After that, you became afraid to approach a girl you liked
because early on, you learned to associate that shame you felt
when those kids ridiculed you with approaching a woman you liked.
That's just one example. There are TONS of different ways we come
to accept counter-productive beliefs.
The real trick in fixing this and helping to RE-TRAIN yourself
to feel good feelings and be confident is self-examination. You
have to take a good, hard look at who you are and what you
believe. Otherwise, you will just keep doing what you've always
So here's what I want you to do...
* Sit down with a piece of paper and a pen, and think about a
problem you have. For example: "I get scared when I see a woman
I like and can't talk to them."
* Then, analyze your statement and ask: "Why do I feel that way?"
So let's say you get scared because you think the girl is going
to slap you across the face and call you a loser. Write that
down on the paper.
* Then ask yourself: "Why do I believe that?" Really THINK about
the answer to this question. Maybe when you were younger, you
saw your big brother get slapped by a woman and called a loser,
so you associated that reaction with approaching a woman. Write
your answer down.
* Once you figure out your answer, then ask: "Is that something
that is logical to believe?" Chances are, the answer is NO.
* Then ask yourself: "What should I believe instead of this?"
Then write down your answer. So in this case, let's say you
write down that you're going to believe that instead of getting
slapped and called a loser, the woman will smile at you and be
happy to talk to you.
Now, the next time you see a woman you want to approach, and you
feel that fear, you know it's because of that negative belief
you got from watching your brother at a young age. Then tell
yourself "This woman is going to smile and be happy to talk to
me." Say it as many times as it takes. Repeat this belief to
yourself over and over until it overtakes the bad belief, and
then go talk to the girl!
You'll be really surprised at the results you get from this
simple technique. I could go on for hours on how to build
real confidence. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
When you know the body language signs to look for, you can
be completely confident that you will never be rejected!
If you'd like to learn more about the secrets to sexual body
language and confidence building to get any woman you want
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:
(1) Guy Gets Girl
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
One of the best pieces of advice I ever
got from a friend of mine that's good
with women is this:
"Don't listen to what a person says.
Look at what they do! That will
always reveal their true motives."
This is completely true when it
comes to women. Remember: Most
women have no idea what they really
So never listen to what they tell you when it comes to what kind of
men they like, because they're susceptible to how men make them
If a woman says she likes "Tall guys," and you're 5'2, you're NOT
out of the ball game. Maybe she likes tall guys because tall guys
make her feel safe. That means all you have to do is make this girl
feel safe with you, and you're on the same playing field as a guy
twice your size.
With that said, pay attention to the signals a woman's body sends
out, and you will always, always, ALWAYS know if you're wasting
your time, if what you're doing is working, if she's open to be
approached, etc.
When it comes to body language, always remember this GOLDEN RULE:
***Pay Attention To Her Eyes***
The eyes are the window to the soul, and they will always betray
what a person is really feeling. If you know how to use eye
contact properly, you will experience amazing results with women.
Here's something I want you to try...
The next time you go out, make it a point to make EYE CONTACT
with every girl you see. If you see a girl you like, lock your
eyes on her until she makes eye contact with you.
When this happens, raise your eyebrows at her (you know, the ol'
eyebrow wink!), and follow that with a smile. Pay attention to
her response. If she smiles back, holds eye contact a little
longer, and looks away (in typical sideways glance fashion), and
keeps glancing back at you, guess what? She's open to you meeting
But if she shows no expression and looks away quickly, never
bothering to look in your direction again, you'll be wasting your
time on her! So now you know it's best to move on and find another
women who WILL enjoy your company.
Just by using this simple trick, you'll see your success rate
with women skyrocket! I know guys who just use this method of
meeting women and never, ever, EVER get rejected.
You Must Have Self Confidence
However, the first step in getting good with women is learning
how to be more confident in yourself. Let’s face it, if you ask
any woman what the most attractive quality is in men, they will
almost always say “Confidence.” Nothing is sexier to women than
a man who is confident in himself.
The problem most guys face, however, is that they’re never
really sure what it means to actually “be confident.” To me,
confidence is really just “secure self-knowledge.” It’s about
knowing who you are, what you like, what you dislike, and how to
act in any given situation. Fear, nervousness, and uncertainty
all manifest themselves in ways which destroy confidence.
So if you are with a girl, and you are unsure what to do, you
lose that feeling of confidence that can make you so attractive
to the ladies. A lot of so-called “dating coaches” out there
will advise you to “fake it until you make it.” In other words
act confident until you ARE confident. Personally, I think this
is a horrible idea. You can act as confident as you want, but
the minute you get rejected by a girl, you open yourself up to
severe depression.
Instead, you want to learn to love who you are, and be secure
in what you believe. This is a great way to start your journey
to becoming more successful with women.
First off, I want you to understand that your lack of confidence
comes from your current BELIEF SYSTEM. If you get nervous around
women, or rehearse failure or bad things in your mind, it's
because you've TRAINED YOURSELF to believe that way.
When we're born, we don't have a set of beliefs pre-installed
within us. We are a blank slate! Completely free of any negative
thoughts or beliefs.
But as we grow up, our experiences and our upbringing helps to
shape that which we believe about ourselves. Sometimes those
beliefs are correct. Other times, those beliefs are dead wrong.
For instance, let's say the first time you liked a girl in first
grade, you tried to kiss her or something, and all the kids made
fun of you for "liking a girl." So you were ashamed and suffered
through all the teasing.
After that, you became afraid to approach a girl you liked
because early on, you learned to associate that shame you felt
when those kids ridiculed you with approaching a woman you liked.
That's just one example. There are TONS of different ways we come
to accept counter-productive beliefs.
The real trick in fixing this and helping to RE-TRAIN yourself
to feel good feelings and be confident is self-examination. You
have to take a good, hard look at who you are and what you
believe. Otherwise, you will just keep doing what you've always
So here's what I want you to do...
* Sit down with a piece of paper and a pen, and think about a
problem you have. For example: "I get scared when I see a woman
I like and can't talk to them."
* Then, analyze your statement and ask: "Why do I feel that way?"
So let's say you get scared because you think the girl is going
to slap you across the face and call you a loser. Write that
down on the paper.
* Then ask yourself: "Why do I believe that?" Really THINK about
the answer to this question. Maybe when you were younger, you
saw your big brother get slapped by a woman and called a loser,
so you associated that reaction with approaching a woman. Write
your answer down.
* Once you figure out your answer, then ask: "Is that something
that is logical to believe?" Chances are, the answer is NO.
* Then ask yourself: "What should I believe instead of this?"
Then write down your answer. So in this case, let's say you
write down that you're going to believe that instead of getting
slapped and called a loser, the woman will smile at you and be
happy to talk to you.
Now, the next time you see a woman you want to approach, and you
feel that fear, you know it's because of that negative belief
you got from watching your brother at a young age. Then tell
yourself "This woman is going to smile and be happy to talk to
me." Say it as many times as it takes. Repeat this belief to
yourself over and over until it overtakes the bad belief, and
then go talk to the girl!
You'll be really surprised at the results you get from this
simple technique. I could go on for hours on how to build
real confidence. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
When you know the body language signs to look for, you can
be completely confident that you will never be rejected!
If you'd like to learn more about the secrets to sexual body
language and confidence building to get any woman you want
check out my Top 3 Recommended resources:
(1) Guy Gets Girl
(2) How To Become An Alpha Male
(3) The Art Of Approaching Women
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Ugly? Bald? Fat? Or just plain average... Who cares? - women will
want you once you know this little secret. Click here now!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associates' websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
Monday, September 7, 2009
Premature Ejaculation - The Power Of Exercising Your PC Muscle
Considered by many to be the best way to stop Premature Ejaculation
Learning to exercise your PC Muscle is extremely important if you want to permanently stop premature ejaculation.
This is considered by many male health professionals to be one of the best ways to prevent, stop and cure premature ejaculation.
The PC muscle (or pubococcygeus muscle) is actually a group of pelvic muscles that form the basis for your sexual health. They run from your pubic bone in the front to your tailbone in the back. You can feel this muscle at your perineum, just behind your testicles and in front of your anus. In addition to controlling urination with other pelvic muscles, the PC muscle is what helps bring a man or woman to climax. For men, this is the muscle that involuntarily "pumps" when you ejaculate. Therefore strengthening and learning to control the PC muscle, you will find, is THE sex secret.
These P.C. Muscle exercises involve doing a set of easy-to-learn pelvic muscle exercises. This is a FOOLPROOF way for men to boost their partners' and their own pleasure during lovemaking. Women have already been using their PC muscles for years to help them get sexually aroused easier, lubricate faster, and have more and better orgasms.
Why exercise your PC?
- Development of your ejaculatory control muscle for unbelievable control over the premature urge to ejaculate.
- Development of a "muscular" looking penis.
- Ability to achieve ROCK HARD erections anytime you wish.
- Improved blood circulation for enhanced size, ability, and sensation.
- Drastically improved sexual stamina.
- Helps shorten the recovery time between orgasms
- Increase in ejaculation volume and intensity.
- Improved urinary flow.
- Ability to have intense, multiple orgasms without wearing out.
- Can actually help save your life by giving you a well-developed and healthy prostate.
- And the list goes on and on from benefits that having a super developed PC muscle can give you. This exercise can cure impotence as well as many other sexual problems commonly associated with getting older. The simple truth is impotence and most if not all other sexual problems come from having a very weak and poorly developed PC muscle!
Locating Your PC Muscle:
The first step to beginning your PC workout is locating your PC. Ancient Taoists also called the PC exercise "tightening the anus" because of obvious reasons (it makes your anus tight when you flex).
QUICK TEST: Get an erection. If you can make your penis move on it's own when you have an erection, you have located your PC muscle. If you cannot do this, then next time you go pee, stop the flow of urine before you are done. This muscle you use to stop yourself from peeing is your PC muscle. If you have a hard time doing this then you REALLY need this exercise!
Let's get started:
Start out by doing about 10 or 20 to see how well you can focus on them. If your PC gets tired after 20 flexes, you are VERY out of shape! After you do about 20 or so, flex and squeeze real tight and hold it for as long as you can. Though this may be intimidating at first due to your lack of PC strength, within a few month of continual exercise, you will be able to hold off the urge to ejaculate just by squeezing your PC muscle as tight as you can until the urge goes away. Talk about sexual stamina!
Doing A Full Exercise Routine:
The Warm Up:
Start out by flexing and relaxing at a steady pace for a good 30 flexes, then rest for 30 seconds. Continue with 2 more sets, resting for 30 seconds between each. After this is complete you should have better control over your PC muscle due to the increased blood flow.
PC Clamps:
Squeeze and release your PC Muscle over and over again. Start with sets of 30, and build yourself up to a set of 100 or more. I currently can do a single set of 700+ until I have to stop due to exhaustion. Your PC heals quite fast and you will find yourself waking up with ROCK HARD erections every morning! Make sure you do at least 300 PC Clamps a day for the rest of your life. You will soon find that it's the best move you could make for your sexual health and ability.
The images below are just to form a picture of what the PC muscle exercise should look like. When performing a PC muscle fitness/Kegels it should look something like this:
Long Slow Squeeze:
Warm up with a set of 30 clamps then flex as hard and as deep as you possibly can. When you cannot squeeze any deeper, hold where you are at for a 20 count. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times. After a month or so of exercising, you should be able to do squeeze and hold sessions for at least several minutes at a time.
This particular exercise will give you absolute erections of STEEL and ability to last as long as you want in bed. Eventually work your way up to 10 sets of 2 minute long holds. It may sound like a lot now, but wait until you start to see the benefits! You'll be exploding across the room when you ejaculate!
The PC Stair Steps Workout:
This exercise is simply tightening and loosening your PC muscle in increments. Begin to tighten your PC, hold, then tighten more, hold, a little more, hold, then tighten all that you possibly can and hold. Hold this for 20 seconds, then relax a little bit, hold, relax a little bit more, hold, a little more, hold, then finally release the rest. Do this 5 times with no rest in between.
The PC Tremble:
Begin to tighten your PC muscle VERY slowly. SO slow in fact that it should take 5 minutes to complete. At some point you will feel that you can no longer tighten your PC but KEEP GOING! Go beyond where you think you can go. Keep tightening until your PC begins to tremble. Hold VERY TIGHTLY at that point and breathe very slowly and deeply for 30 seconds. At the end of 30 seconds tighten your PC even more, continually trying to gain new ground. When the burning becomes overbearing finally release and do 20 PC clamps. You should be very exhausted after this exercise. Do one set every day at the end of your workout.
I have found that it is both convenient and efficient to do your PC workout everyday while you drive. Every time you drive somewhere, BLAST THAT PC!!! A good workout I've found to do is to just start flexing my PC at a red light and keep going until the next one. Within a few months you will find yourself getting erections ALL THE TIME, especially when you wake up in the morning!
[Advanced Material]
The Squeeze And Flex PC Muscle Exercise:
This exercise was developed to strengthen and harden your erections, but will also give you great ejaculatory control, power, and increased volume. Remember, these exercises are for advanced persons who have developed themselves for at least a month with the basic pc exercises listed above.
To perform this exercise you must have a developed PC muscle, because if you don't you will end up ejaculating. This exercise teaches restraint, and gives you the ability to choose when you want to ejaculate, or not ejaculate at all. When you climax, you are wiped out and become tired. If you happen to climax before your partner, it can be quite disappointing for both of you. This exercise helps develop control and power over ejaculation urges, enabling you to experience what I call the "Male Multiple Orgasm".
This can be quite fun and will surely impress your lover if they are used to the ordinary "Sorry, I already came" syndrome most men experience. The benefits of this exercise goes way past the ordinary "strong penis", and gives a new definition to penile ability.
Here's How To Start The PC Squeeze & Flex Exercise:
Achieve an erection, and continually massage until you are as hard as you can possibly be. Once you reached that hardness, flex your PC muscle as hard as you can and massage yourself at the same time. As you flexed, you should have noticed your erection fill with more blood in the shaft and head, and feel much harder. This tells you something; the more developed your PC, the harder your erections
will be.
Do this again, only continue to flex and relax your PC until your erection becomes quite soft. Massage yourself to a hard erection again then hold a strong PC flex to make your erection harder. Hold this, and begin to massage yourself to continue the hardness. Once you feel like your PC is becoming weak, relax but continue to massage. Flex your PC and hold again. Continue this until you feel like you are reaching an orgasm.
Ejaculatory Control:
Once the feeling for reaching orgasm becomes strong, flex your PC as tight as you can, breathing in deeply through your mouth. Visualize your semen contracting back into you while you continually squeeze your PC tighter and tighter.
Perform this again, massaging your self until you feel the urge to ejaculate is inevitable. Once you are for sure you are going to climax, squeeze your PC as hard as you can while breathing in through your mouth deeply. Continue to tighten and tighten your PC muscle to keep from ejaculation. Visualize your semen starting over, contracting back until the urge subsides. Continue to squeeze your PC tighter until the urge to ejaculate has vanished. Do this ejaculatory control exercise 10 times, making sure not to ejaculate during the exercise. If you do ejaculate, you need to develop your PC muscle much more than it is.
Squeeze Your Life Out:
Once the ejaculatory control exercise has taken its toll on you after 10-20 sets, perform this exercise as many times as it takes to completely exhaust your PC muscle. Achieve an erection and flex your PC a few times while you massage it to make sure it is quite hard.
Once you have a firm erection, squeeze lightly around your penises shaft, right underneath the head. Now, flex your PC muscle as deep as you can until it flutters, then relax. When you flex your PC you should be able to feel your penis throb. Continue to do this over and over again until your erection becomes soft. Achieve another erection, and follow the directions again, over and over again. Do this until your PC muscle is completely exhausted and becomes difficult to even flex your PC. By the time your are done, you will know that your PC received a first class workout because it should tingle and feel quite tired.
You should perform these exercises every day, or at LEAST 4 times a week. I find that performing them every day not only forms a better habit, but also makes you feel more fit and potent. Your lover won't know what hit em, literally!
PC Muscle Blaster Exercise:
This exercise is a very intense and demanding workout that will absolutely work your PC muscle to the brink of exhaustion. Once again, PC exercises are the most important exercises you can do for penile fitness and strength development, I cannot stress this enough! Having a strong PC muscle will enable you to experience a whole new level of ecstasy when making love with your partner.
Imagine having the ability to actually make your erections ROCK HARD, and keep from ejaculating by simply flexing your PC muscle so tight it cut's off the ejaculatory canal. It is possible! If you are
ready to wake up every morning with rock hard erections, increase your ejaculation volume and intensity, and develop the ability to last as long as you want in bed, let's get started!
PC Blaster Exercise Starting Point:
Sit in a comfortable chair and find a position that you can be comfortable in for 10-20 minutes. Flex your PC and focus on it squeezing, hold for 10 seconds and warm up with a set of 50 PC clamps. While performing these, really breathe in deeply and flex and relax your PC.
After the 50 clamps are complete, squeeze your PC as tight as you possibly can, not allowing any slack to give. Keep tightening and hold for 20 seconds. Do NOT relax until the 20 seconds are up. Without resting, perform 100 PC clamps, flexing and relaxing at 2-second intervals. Do not give up! Continue to flex and relax your PC as tight as you can until the 100 clamps are completed. Breathe in deeply and slowly, visualizing energy and power radiating from your PC muscle. Visualize it as strong as anyone's could be.
Once this is completed, now the fun starts. Flex your PC as tight as you possibly can until you've reached your absolute maximum ability. Once there, hold as tight as you can without allowing any slack to give. If you feel the urge to let up, squeeze even tighter and visualize your PC tightening tighter and tighter. Hold this for 1 minute without giving up.
Rest for 2 minutes and really focus on the tingly sensation coming from your PC. It should be very tired and extremely worked after this workout, but it's not over yet. Focus on your PC muscle gaining power with every breath you take. Breathe in deeply and visualize.
Now the last part of the workout is here, the concentration clamps. You're going for a set of 50 without stopping. DO NOT STOP until you have finished the 50 clamps, for you will appreciate the workout when you are finished. Before you start the last part of this exercise, there's one catch. These clamps aren't the same old flex and relax exercises, these are different. Each time you flex your PC, hold it as tight as you can for 5 seconds, then slowly release taking another 2 seconds. Each flex and relax should take 7 seconds in all. Remember you are going for a set of 50.
Once this workout is complete you should feel like your PC is on fire, and has been thoroughly worked. This exercise improves all round blood circulation to all parts of your penis, and should feel quite fatigued at the end. Perform this exercise at least 4 times a week and you will soon notice a drastic difference in your erection firmness and ability to last as long as you want by simply flexing your PC when the urge to ejaculate becomes strong.
Tip: When having sex with your partner, Don't flex your PC at the point of ejaculation. - You will just end up firing your load... Do the OPPOSITE a "Reverse Kegel", to do this try and force out a piss, and trust me that should stop the urge. I've been making the Kegel mistake for years but Reverse Kegel most commonly stops ejaculation. To learn more about reverse Kegels and other advanced techniques to stop premature ejaculation, get a copy of my Top 3 PC Muscle exercise programs: Ejaculation-Trainer, Staying-Power, or
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day great.
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Do you want more advanced techniques to completely cure premature ejaculation safely and naturally starting today? Then choose one of my Top 3 Recommendations: The Ejaculation Trainer, Ejaculation By Command and Prejaculation.
Learning to exercise your PC Muscle is extremely important if you want to permanently stop premature ejaculation.
This is considered by many male health professionals to be one of the best ways to prevent, stop and cure premature ejaculation.
The PC muscle (or pubococcygeus muscle) is actually a group of pelvic muscles that form the basis for your sexual health. They run from your pubic bone in the front to your tailbone in the back. You can feel this muscle at your perineum, just behind your testicles and in front of your anus. In addition to controlling urination with other pelvic muscles, the PC muscle is what helps bring a man or woman to climax. For men, this is the muscle that involuntarily "pumps" when you ejaculate. Therefore strengthening and learning to control the PC muscle, you will find, is THE sex secret.
These P.C. Muscle exercises involve doing a set of easy-to-learn pelvic muscle exercises. This is a FOOLPROOF way for men to boost their partners' and their own pleasure during lovemaking. Women have already been using their PC muscles for years to help them get sexually aroused easier, lubricate faster, and have more and better orgasms.
Why exercise your PC?
- Development of your ejaculatory control muscle for unbelievable control over the premature urge to ejaculate.
- Development of a "muscular" looking penis.
- Ability to achieve ROCK HARD erections anytime you wish.
- Improved blood circulation for enhanced size, ability, and sensation.
- Drastically improved sexual stamina.
- Helps shorten the recovery time between orgasms
- Increase in ejaculation volume and intensity.
- Improved urinary flow.
- Ability to have intense, multiple orgasms without wearing out.
- Can actually help save your life by giving you a well-developed and healthy prostate.
- And the list goes on and on from benefits that having a super developed PC muscle can give you. This exercise can cure impotence as well as many other sexual problems commonly associated with getting older. The simple truth is impotence and most if not all other sexual problems come from having a very weak and poorly developed PC muscle!
Locating Your PC Muscle:
The first step to beginning your PC workout is locating your PC. Ancient Taoists also called the PC exercise "tightening the anus" because of obvious reasons (it makes your anus tight when you flex).
QUICK TEST: Get an erection. If you can make your penis move on it's own when you have an erection, you have located your PC muscle. If you cannot do this, then next time you go pee, stop the flow of urine before you are done. This muscle you use to stop yourself from peeing is your PC muscle. If you have a hard time doing this then you REALLY need this exercise!
Let's get started:
Start out by doing about 10 or 20 to see how well you can focus on them. If your PC gets tired after 20 flexes, you are VERY out of shape! After you do about 20 or so, flex and squeeze real tight and hold it for as long as you can. Though this may be intimidating at first due to your lack of PC strength, within a few month of continual exercise, you will be able to hold off the urge to ejaculate just by squeezing your PC muscle as tight as you can until the urge goes away. Talk about sexual stamina!
Doing A Full Exercise Routine:
The Warm Up:
Start out by flexing and relaxing at a steady pace for a good 30 flexes, then rest for 30 seconds. Continue with 2 more sets, resting for 30 seconds between each. After this is complete you should have better control over your PC muscle due to the increased blood flow.
PC Clamps:
Squeeze and release your PC Muscle over and over again. Start with sets of 30, and build yourself up to a set of 100 or more. I currently can do a single set of 700+ until I have to stop due to exhaustion. Your PC heals quite fast and you will find yourself waking up with ROCK HARD erections every morning! Make sure you do at least 300 PC Clamps a day for the rest of your life. You will soon find that it's the best move you could make for your sexual health and ability.
The images below are just to form a picture of what the PC muscle exercise should look like. When performing a PC muscle fitness/Kegels it should look something like this:
Long Slow Squeeze:
Warm up with a set of 30 clamps then flex as hard and as deep as you possibly can. When you cannot squeeze any deeper, hold where you are at for a 20 count. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times. After a month or so of exercising, you should be able to do squeeze and hold sessions for at least several minutes at a time.
This particular exercise will give you absolute erections of STEEL and ability to last as long as you want in bed. Eventually work your way up to 10 sets of 2 minute long holds. It may sound like a lot now, but wait until you start to see the benefits! You'll be exploding across the room when you ejaculate!
The PC Stair Steps Workout:
This exercise is simply tightening and loosening your PC muscle in increments. Begin to tighten your PC, hold, then tighten more, hold, a little more, hold, then tighten all that you possibly can and hold. Hold this for 20 seconds, then relax a little bit, hold, relax a little bit more, hold, a little more, hold, then finally release the rest. Do this 5 times with no rest in between.
The PC Tremble:
Begin to tighten your PC muscle VERY slowly. SO slow in fact that it should take 5 minutes to complete. At some point you will feel that you can no longer tighten your PC but KEEP GOING! Go beyond where you think you can go. Keep tightening until your PC begins to tremble. Hold VERY TIGHTLY at that point and breathe very slowly and deeply for 30 seconds. At the end of 30 seconds tighten your PC even more, continually trying to gain new ground. When the burning becomes overbearing finally release and do 20 PC clamps. You should be very exhausted after this exercise. Do one set every day at the end of your workout.
I have found that it is both convenient and efficient to do your PC workout everyday while you drive. Every time you drive somewhere, BLAST THAT PC!!! A good workout I've found to do is to just start flexing my PC at a red light and keep going until the next one. Within a few months you will find yourself getting erections ALL THE TIME, especially when you wake up in the morning!
[Advanced Material]
The Squeeze And Flex PC Muscle Exercise:
This exercise was developed to strengthen and harden your erections, but will also give you great ejaculatory control, power, and increased volume. Remember, these exercises are for advanced persons who have developed themselves for at least a month with the basic pc exercises listed above.
To perform this exercise you must have a developed PC muscle, because if you don't you will end up ejaculating. This exercise teaches restraint, and gives you the ability to choose when you want to ejaculate, or not ejaculate at all. When you climax, you are wiped out and become tired. If you happen to climax before your partner, it can be quite disappointing for both of you. This exercise helps develop control and power over ejaculation urges, enabling you to experience what I call the "Male Multiple Orgasm".
This can be quite fun and will surely impress your lover if they are used to the ordinary "Sorry, I already came" syndrome most men experience. The benefits of this exercise goes way past the ordinary "strong penis", and gives a new definition to penile ability.
Here's How To Start The PC Squeeze & Flex Exercise:
Achieve an erection, and continually massage until you are as hard as you can possibly be. Once you reached that hardness, flex your PC muscle as hard as you can and massage yourself at the same time. As you flexed, you should have noticed your erection fill with more blood in the shaft and head, and feel much harder. This tells you something; the more developed your PC, the harder your erections
will be.
Do this again, only continue to flex and relax your PC until your erection becomes quite soft. Massage yourself to a hard erection again then hold a strong PC flex to make your erection harder. Hold this, and begin to massage yourself to continue the hardness. Once you feel like your PC is becoming weak, relax but continue to massage. Flex your PC and hold again. Continue this until you feel like you are reaching an orgasm.
Ejaculatory Control:
Once the feeling for reaching orgasm becomes strong, flex your PC as tight as you can, breathing in deeply through your mouth. Visualize your semen contracting back into you while you continually squeeze your PC tighter and tighter.
Perform this again, massaging your self until you feel the urge to ejaculate is inevitable. Once you are for sure you are going to climax, squeeze your PC as hard as you can while breathing in through your mouth deeply. Continue to tighten and tighten your PC muscle to keep from ejaculation. Visualize your semen starting over, contracting back until the urge subsides. Continue to squeeze your PC tighter until the urge to ejaculate has vanished. Do this ejaculatory control exercise 10 times, making sure not to ejaculate during the exercise. If you do ejaculate, you need to develop your PC muscle much more than it is.
Squeeze Your Life Out:
Once the ejaculatory control exercise has taken its toll on you after 10-20 sets, perform this exercise as many times as it takes to completely exhaust your PC muscle. Achieve an erection and flex your PC a few times while you massage it to make sure it is quite hard.
Once you have a firm erection, squeeze lightly around your penises shaft, right underneath the head. Now, flex your PC muscle as deep as you can until it flutters, then relax. When you flex your PC you should be able to feel your penis throb. Continue to do this over and over again until your erection becomes soft. Achieve another erection, and follow the directions again, over and over again. Do this until your PC muscle is completely exhausted and becomes difficult to even flex your PC. By the time your are done, you will know that your PC received a first class workout because it should tingle and feel quite tired.
You should perform these exercises every day, or at LEAST 4 times a week. I find that performing them every day not only forms a better habit, but also makes you feel more fit and potent. Your lover won't know what hit em, literally!
PC Muscle Blaster Exercise:
This exercise is a very intense and demanding workout that will absolutely work your PC muscle to the brink of exhaustion. Once again, PC exercises are the most important exercises you can do for penile fitness and strength development, I cannot stress this enough! Having a strong PC muscle will enable you to experience a whole new level of ecstasy when making love with your partner.
Imagine having the ability to actually make your erections ROCK HARD, and keep from ejaculating by simply flexing your PC muscle so tight it cut's off the ejaculatory canal. It is possible! If you are
ready to wake up every morning with rock hard erections, increase your ejaculation volume and intensity, and develop the ability to last as long as you want in bed, let's get started!
PC Blaster Exercise Starting Point:
Sit in a comfortable chair and find a position that you can be comfortable in for 10-20 minutes. Flex your PC and focus on it squeezing, hold for 10 seconds and warm up with a set of 50 PC clamps. While performing these, really breathe in deeply and flex and relax your PC.
After the 50 clamps are complete, squeeze your PC as tight as you possibly can, not allowing any slack to give. Keep tightening and hold for 20 seconds. Do NOT relax until the 20 seconds are up. Without resting, perform 100 PC clamps, flexing and relaxing at 2-second intervals. Do not give up! Continue to flex and relax your PC as tight as you can until the 100 clamps are completed. Breathe in deeply and slowly, visualizing energy and power radiating from your PC muscle. Visualize it as strong as anyone's could be.
Once this is completed, now the fun starts. Flex your PC as tight as you possibly can until you've reached your absolute maximum ability. Once there, hold as tight as you can without allowing any slack to give. If you feel the urge to let up, squeeze even tighter and visualize your PC tightening tighter and tighter. Hold this for 1 minute without giving up.
Rest for 2 minutes and really focus on the tingly sensation coming from your PC. It should be very tired and extremely worked after this workout, but it's not over yet. Focus on your PC muscle gaining power with every breath you take. Breathe in deeply and visualize.
Now the last part of the workout is here, the concentration clamps. You're going for a set of 50 without stopping. DO NOT STOP until you have finished the 50 clamps, for you will appreciate the workout when you are finished. Before you start the last part of this exercise, there's one catch. These clamps aren't the same old flex and relax exercises, these are different. Each time you flex your PC, hold it as tight as you can for 5 seconds, then slowly release taking another 2 seconds. Each flex and relax should take 7 seconds in all. Remember you are going for a set of 50.
Once this workout is complete you should feel like your PC is on fire, and has been thoroughly worked. This exercise improves all round blood circulation to all parts of your penis, and should feel quite fatigued at the end. Perform this exercise at least 4 times a week and you will soon notice a drastic difference in your erection firmness and ability to last as long as you want by simply flexing your PC when the urge to ejaculate becomes strong.
Tip: When having sex with your partner, Don't flex your PC at the point of ejaculation. - You will just end up firing your load... Do the OPPOSITE a "Reverse Kegel", to do this try and force out a piss, and trust me that should stop the urge. I've been making the Kegel mistake for years but Reverse Kegel most commonly stops ejaculation. To learn more about reverse Kegels and other advanced techniques to stop premature ejaculation, get a copy of my Top 3 PC Muscle exercise programs: Ejaculation-Trainer, Staying-Power, or
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day great.
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. Do you want more advanced techniques to completely cure premature ejaculation safely and naturally starting today? Then choose one of my Top 3 Recommendations: The Ejaculation Trainer, Ejaculation By Command and Prejaculation.
Methods to Treat, Prevent, Stop & Cure Premature Ejaculation
Solutions that are available
In response to increasing numbers
of men who suffer from premature
ejaculation, there have been many
products to hit the market.
Everything from pills, creams,
gadgets, and books with methods &
information can be found both online
and off. The real question is whether
or not these are effective, and if so
which options deliver the best results.
Some of them work well, while others
are a complete waste of time and money. Listed below are the solutions
currently available to help with premature ejaculation.
Natural Herbal Supplements (Pills):
Pills - There are many pills offered that are supposedly 'herbal
formulated' to help with premature ejaculation. How some of these
pills work exactly is a question up for debate. Most companies just
say that it works, they don't explain how or why. Some do but it's
usually vague and doesn't explain much. Be cautious before taking
any pills. Make sure to read the ingredients so you know what
exactly it is you're taking. Research and familiarize yourself with
those ingredients before you go any further. If the supplier doesn't
specify or does a poor job of specifying how their product actually
works, contact them and ask.
The majority of herbal supplements on the market for P.E. are
supposedly natural supplements that help raise serotonin levels in
your body. Serotonin is a naturally produced chemical in your body,
and it's also supposed to be directly linked with the ejaculatory
reflex. By increasing serotonin in your body, you may be able to
last longer before reaching orgasm as well. My top pick for a
natural supplement for premature ejaculation is Prejac.
PC Muscle Exercises And Techniques:
There has recently been a big push for
"natural cures" for premature
ejaculation. The techniques taught are
often easy to follow, and can be done at
your own pace. Most of the time, these
techniques are taught through DVDs,
books, or ebooks (instantly downloadable
to your computer).
Through these programs, you follow a specific set of training methods
that condition your body to develop staying power in a healthy and
natural way. These techniques are applied during actual sex, and
masturbation. There are exercises that involve the use of breathing,
and ways to develop stronger control over certain muscles in your body
that are vital for being able to control your orgasm. You also learn
about what was causing your Premature Ejaculation in the first place,
which allows you to deal with the emotional and physical aspects of it.
After all my research and feedback on premature ejaculation, I have
found that the best products on the market are those that deal with
premature ejaculation naturally. They are very safe, easy to follow,
and truly act as a permanent solution. You learn techniques, ideas,
and exercises that can be applied and improved upon for the rest of
your life. The techniques can also work very quickly.
I also suffered from premature ejaculation. Using this method I
started seeing results immediately, but better results came weekly.
After about 5 weeks, I felt like I was amazing at sex.
The ejaculatory reflex is like any other reflex or body response...
It can be trained, altered, and controlled. Right now your ejaculatory
reflex can only handle so much stimulation before the ejaculation
response is triggered. There's nothing wrong with you, it's just the
way your body is currently wired. All you need to do is “re-wire”
this process by following a PC exercise routine.
This is possible by performing various techniques, changing some of
your habits, and applying some important principles that can literally
program your ejaculatory reflex to be less hyper active so it can endure
prolonged stimulation. This is VERY IMPORTANT for long term
success. Click here to get free PC muscle exercises to treat, prevent,
stop or cure premature ejaculation.
If you want a complete PC exercise program with other benefits to
prevent, stop or cure premature ejaculation, my Top 3 recommended
programs are: Ejaculation-Trainer, Staying-Power, or
Prescription Drugs:
There are many prescription drugs for impotence and erectile
dysfunction (ED), but when it comes to premature ejaculation there
isn't much of an option. The only drugs that have shown to have any
effect on PE are SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors),
also known as anti-depressants. These drugs increase serotonin levels
which is suppose to help with depression. Serotonin can also help
delay the ejaculation reflex. I would say that most cases of premature
ejaculation are probably not a result from serotonin deficiency.
However if you feel that you have severe depression then this may be
worth looking into. Have a chat with your doctor and see what he thinks.
These medications include fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline
(Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil). One of the more common
side effects of these drugs is the inability to reach orgasm.
However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
has not approved the use of these medicines to treat
premature ejaculation.
Medication like VIAGRA has become a household name. However, do
not make the mistake of confusing E.D. for P.E. and do not think that
taking a pill like Viagra is going to help you last longer in bed. They
are two completely different sexual issues.
The major problem with SSRIs is the fact that you are taking depression
medication when you are not depressed. If you are clinically depressed,
then by all means medication might be your best route. However, I think
it is crazy to take something just to take advantage of one of the side
effects of the supplement or medication. I know many people who have
tried prescription drugs to cure premature ejaculation problems.
However most of them did not like it at all. They said that they felt
numb to the world and had no desire to participate in the activities
that they usually loved doing. They reported that they had trouble
keeping up their energy levels, suffered hair loss, nausea, vomiting,
dyspepsia, diarrhea, anorexia, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, and many
more unpleasantries! Some stated that they lost their sex drive
completely. Although some of them were able to last a bit longer in bed,
it was not worth feeling like a living zombie with no sex drive. Not to
mention you can easily get stuck with the disturbing brand of "mentally
sick" that gets labeled to those who take these drugs..
It's up to you or your doctor if you want to take an anti-depressant,
but before going to those extremes I'd recommend trying a serotonin
booster first. Prejac is a great supplement formulated to help with
premature ejaculation. You should also look into some self help
solutions, as a serotonin booster can only help to a point.
If you are going to get a medication from your doctor, please do your
research. Learn about what you are putting into your body, and get an
idea of the long-term side effects of taking these products. Don't get
caught up in the idea that you can make everything better overnight
just by swallowing a magical pill. That is most likely not going to be
the case. Click here to learn more about the good, the bad and the ugly
of using prescription drugs to treat premature ejacution.
I do not recommend using anti-depressants to treat premature
ejaculation, the side effects far outweigh the benefit. If you must,
please let it be your last resort.
Desensitizing Creams, Gels, Lotions & Sprays:
Creams and sprays - These work by desensitizing the penis. The
chemicals in these products have a numbing effect on the skin.
Typically these creams can help control ejaculation because it
takes away sensation.
These creams are applied to the head of the penis to make it less
sensitive. Usually, the cream is applied about 30 minutes before
sex and then washed off once it has decreased the feeling in your
penis. The cream must be washed off before sex. If it is left on,
it can cause a loss of erection and vaginal numbness.
I don't recommend using any desensitizing substances. The main
reason is that they don't actually address the problem, they just
try to mask it. The other reason is that it can take away the
firmness of your erection because there is no sensation to keep
you aroused. This usually causes erection loss and/or a loss of
her being able to feel you.
If you do decide to use these creams make sure to where a
condom or else the chemicals will numb her as well. The
MaxoDerm Gel has been getting some good reviews.
Partner Assisted:
In this type of treatment, you practice controlling your ejaculation,
either alone or with a partner:
* In the "Start-and-stop method", you or your partner will stimulate your
penis until you feel like you are about to have an orgasm. Then the
stimulation stops for about 30 seconds. Once you regain control of your
response, stimulation begins again. This process is repeated 3 or 4
times before you allow yourself to have an orgasm.
* The "squeeze method" works in a similar way. When
you feel like you are about to ejaculate, you or your
partner will gently squeeze the head of your penis for
about 30 seconds so that you begin to loose your erection.
You repeat this process several times before you allow
yourself to reach orgasm.
* There is more your partner can do to help you control your ejaculation.
First of all, she can take pressure off you by agreeing that if you come
before she is satisfied, you can masturbate or give her oral sex until
she has had an orgasm.
* During sex, if you need to stop thrusting to allow your arousal to drop,
remind her to stay turned on by using fantasy or by touching herself in a
way that keeps her aroused. Ask her if she is willing to help you learn
greater self-control by assisting you with the stop-start technique or
the squeeze technique.
* The sexual position you use during intercourse can have a lot to do with
how long you last - any position which produces a tightness in the woman's
vagina will most likely reduce the length of time for which you enjoy sex.
Find a position which doesn't put much pressure on your penis - side by
side sex is very useful here.
* Another suggestion, if you like rear entry sex (doggy-style), but come
very quickly during it, try this: instead of the woman kneeling on all
fours and the man entering from behind, try having the woman lie on her
side (slightly turned face down) and have the man lying behind her. He can
then lift up the woman's upper leg and enter her (perhaps with her help,
guiding his penis in). At this point, the man can move his chest away from
his partner and enjoy the sight and feel of his partner's buttocks. This
produces a great feeling and gives you the enjoyment of rear entry without
all the pressure and stimulation which leads to quick ejaculation!
* To excite her, you can press the end of your penis against the head of
her clitoris. This excites her but has the advantage that as you aren't
thrusting, you are going to last longer. Let her use your penis to tap her
genitals - many women like this as a part of foreplay. When you do
penetrate her, let your penis rest in the entrance to her vagina rather
than thrusting it in straight away. Her most sensitive parts are in the
entrance to her vagina, and if you enjoy shallow thrusts rather than deep
ones, you will not only last longer when you are making love in bed, but
you will get greater pleasure yourself when you finally do orgasm - a
longer build up to orgasm always feels better during sex.
* One of the finest anti-premature ejaculation strategies is to ensure
she has an orgasm first. Since women do not "come down" from their orgasm
as fast as men, she will still be interested in more sexual activity with
you after she has cum, so you can ensure sex lasts longer, that your
lovemaking continues for longer, and that you are a longer, better lover
in bed! So step back from penetration, and use your hand or mouth to give
her that orgasm! After this, you can get back in the saddle ride to glory!
* If you have already ejaculated, you're bound to last longer next time -
and yes, you have to stay awake rather than drop off to sleep. When you've
come, kiss and cuddle until she - and you - are aroused again, then make
love for a second time. True, you may find the sensation of making love to
your partner when you have already ejaculated in her vagina very arousing
and exciting: even so, hopefully the fact that you are going for a second
orgasm will mean you last longer during sex.
* Let her enjoy woman on top sex and sex may last for a long time. Pelvis
thrusting when you are in the missionary position can really speed up your
arrival at orgasm. Conversely, when she's on top, she can get maximum
pleasure, by altering the angle of her vagina to suit herself, while your
penis receives much less stimulation. The same is true of side by side sex
positions. Obviously this is a great help in lasting longer.
* Focus on your pleasure generally, not on how long you'll be able to last!
When you think about your orgasm, you speed up its arrival. Instead, try
thinking about the sensations you are receiving all over you body, the
physical pleasure you are feeling, the smell or sight of your partner. or
something else. Just don't worry about how long you'll last.
* A lot of men find premature ejaculation is a confidence thing. Some guys
are so concerned about pleasing their partner that they become obsessed by
how to prevent premature ejaculation. Happily if the woman is wise enough
to help the man relax and not worry this need not be a problem. Premature
ejaculation does get better as you get older. But you also need to be able
to recognize when you first feel it building up. A lot of times you can
just stop thrusting and relax, which means you effectively train your
body/penis/testicles to naturally "relax" over some time.
* If you've recently stopped using a condom this can lead to you ejaculating
more quickly. You may find that even if you have been able to last long
enough during sex for years, when you stop using a condom you suddenly find
you ejaculate far too quickly. The answer for this situation is exactly the
same as for any other in which a man ejaculates too quickly: patience, slow
sex, training your body to recognize when you are aroused, and stopping your
thrusting during sex to let your arousal drop.
To learn more about partner assisted method of stopping premature ejaculation,
check out this link.
Additional Ways To Stop Premature Ejaculation:
* In addition to using the methods listed above, you may want to try thought
distractions. For example, while you’re being sexually stimulated, think
about the names of players on your favorite sports team.
* For some men, simply wearing a condom can help delay ejaculation because
it may make the penis slightly less sensitive.
* Hypnosis is an interesting option for the treatment of premature
ejaculation. Hypnosis addresses directly the subconscious mind, where many
fears and inhibitions will inhibit sexual responsiveness and can lead to
premature ejaculation. (In essence, the cause of premature ejaculation or
rapid ejaculation is (a) being too aroused and (b) unaware of this fact,
so that a man approaches his point of ejaculatory inevitability before (a)
he wishes to do so and (b) before he is aware of doing so.
He therefore finds his ejaculation occurring almost before he is aware he
is going to come. Hypnosis as a treatment for premature ejaculation can
produce a more confident state of mind and reduce anxiety, so to that
extent it is likely to give a man a certain amount of control. However,
in my own experiments, I have found that the average improvement in time
for which sex lasts in men who try hypnosis is only of the order of 15-20%.
This may be helpful in boosting confidence, but it is not a complete cure,
nor a particularly effective treatment.
* Breathing to Reduce Excitement - Simply taking a deep breath at the brink
of orgasm is a very effective way to reduce your excitement level and
reset your orgasm. It does not work for everyone but it is worth trying.
* Breathing to Reset Orgasm - When you feel that you are getting too close
to orgasm, just completely stop and take a deep breath. Give yourself a
minute or two to reset your mental orgasm. Once you feel that you have
reset this mental orgasm continue with the confidence that the physical
orgasm is far off. You will find with practice this process will give you
longer and longer periods of staying power. Eventually this mental reset
will happen automatically with no pause.
I have tried to give you very useful information on the subject matter
of premature ejaculation. Hopefully this information has helped you, and
will also guide you when it comes to making a decision to cure your
premature ejaculation. There is so much information out there, and I know
it's really tough to make a decision on what products to try. Remember,
everyone is different, so you need to make the decision that you feel
works the best for you.
However, after everything was said and done, in my view the natural cure
seemed to be the best route and it is my #1 recommendation, mainly
because it is all natural with no side effects and does not just put a
mask on the problem but it is a long-term, permanent cure for premature
ejaculation. You can start by using these PC Exercises and techniques here
or for a complete program try any of these three ejaculatory control programs:
Ejaculation-Trainer, Staying-Power, or
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day great.
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. No man has to suffer the disappointment and emotional effects of
premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation can easily be corrected, safely
and naturally, Click to learn how to stop your premature ejaculation!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associate's websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
In response to increasing numbers
of men who suffer from premature
ejaculation, there have been many
products to hit the market.
Everything from pills, creams,
gadgets, and books with methods &
information can be found both online
and off. The real question is whether
or not these are effective, and if so
which options deliver the best results.
Some of them work well, while others
are a complete waste of time and money. Listed below are the solutions
currently available to help with premature ejaculation.
Natural Herbal Supplements (Pills):
Pills - There are many pills offered that are supposedly 'herbal
formulated' to help with premature ejaculation. How some of these
pills work exactly is a question up for debate. Most companies just
say that it works, they don't explain how or why. Some do but it's
usually vague and doesn't explain much. Be cautious before taking
any pills. Make sure to read the ingredients so you know what
exactly it is you're taking. Research and familiarize yourself with
those ingredients before you go any further. If the supplier doesn't
specify or does a poor job of specifying how their product actually
works, contact them and ask.
The majority of herbal supplements on the market for P.E. are
supposedly natural supplements that help raise serotonin levels in
your body. Serotonin is a naturally produced chemical in your body,
and it's also supposed to be directly linked with the ejaculatory
reflex. By increasing serotonin in your body, you may be able to
last longer before reaching orgasm as well. My top pick for a
natural supplement for premature ejaculation is Prejac.
PC Muscle Exercises And Techniques:
There has recently been a big push for
"natural cures" for premature
ejaculation. The techniques taught are
often easy to follow, and can be done at
your own pace. Most of the time, these
techniques are taught through DVDs,
books, or ebooks (instantly downloadable
to your computer).
Through these programs, you follow a specific set of training methods
that condition your body to develop staying power in a healthy and
natural way. These techniques are applied during actual sex, and
masturbation. There are exercises that involve the use of breathing,
and ways to develop stronger control over certain muscles in your body
that are vital for being able to control your orgasm. You also learn
about what was causing your Premature Ejaculation in the first place,
which allows you to deal with the emotional and physical aspects of it.
After all my research and feedback on premature ejaculation, I have
found that the best products on the market are those that deal with
premature ejaculation naturally. They are very safe, easy to follow,
and truly act as a permanent solution. You learn techniques, ideas,
and exercises that can be applied and improved upon for the rest of
your life. The techniques can also work very quickly.
I also suffered from premature ejaculation. Using this method I
started seeing results immediately, but better results came weekly.
After about 5 weeks, I felt like I was amazing at sex.
The ejaculatory reflex is like any other reflex or body response...
It can be trained, altered, and controlled. Right now your ejaculatory
reflex can only handle so much stimulation before the ejaculation
response is triggered. There's nothing wrong with you, it's just the
way your body is currently wired. All you need to do is “re-wire”
this process by following a PC exercise routine.
This is possible by performing various techniques, changing some of
your habits, and applying some important principles that can literally
program your ejaculatory reflex to be less hyper active so it can endure
prolonged stimulation. This is VERY IMPORTANT for long term
success. Click here to get free PC muscle exercises to treat, prevent,
stop or cure premature ejaculation.
If you want a complete PC exercise program with other benefits to
prevent, stop or cure premature ejaculation, my Top 3 recommended
programs are: Ejaculation-Trainer, Staying-Power, or
Prescription Drugs:
There are many prescription drugs for impotence and erectile
dysfunction (ED), but when it comes to premature ejaculation there
isn't much of an option. The only drugs that have shown to have any
effect on PE are SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors),
also known as anti-depressants. These drugs increase serotonin levels
which is suppose to help with depression. Serotonin can also help
delay the ejaculation reflex. I would say that most cases of premature
ejaculation are probably not a result from serotonin deficiency.
However if you feel that you have severe depression then this may be
worth looking into. Have a chat with your doctor and see what he thinks.
These medications include fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline
(Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil). One of the more common
side effects of these drugs is the inability to reach orgasm.
However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
has not approved the use of these medicines to treat
premature ejaculation.
Medication like VIAGRA has become a household name. However, do
not make the mistake of confusing E.D. for P.E. and do not think that
taking a pill like Viagra is going to help you last longer in bed. They
are two completely different sexual issues.
The major problem with SSRIs is the fact that you are taking depression
medication when you are not depressed. If you are clinically depressed,
then by all means medication might be your best route. However, I think
it is crazy to take something just to take advantage of one of the side
effects of the supplement or medication. I know many people who have
tried prescription drugs to cure premature ejaculation problems.
However most of them did not like it at all. They said that they felt
numb to the world and had no desire to participate in the activities
that they usually loved doing. They reported that they had trouble
keeping up their energy levels, suffered hair loss, nausea, vomiting,
dyspepsia, diarrhea, anorexia, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, and many
more unpleasantries! Some stated that they lost their sex drive
completely. Although some of them were able to last a bit longer in bed,
it was not worth feeling like a living zombie with no sex drive. Not to
mention you can easily get stuck with the disturbing brand of "mentally
sick" that gets labeled to those who take these drugs..
It's up to you or your doctor if you want to take an anti-depressant,
but before going to those extremes I'd recommend trying a serotonin
booster first. Prejac is a great supplement formulated to help with
premature ejaculation. You should also look into some self help
solutions, as a serotonin booster can only help to a point.
If you are going to get a medication from your doctor, please do your
research. Learn about what you are putting into your body, and get an
idea of the long-term side effects of taking these products. Don't get
caught up in the idea that you can make everything better overnight
just by swallowing a magical pill. That is most likely not going to be
the case. Click here to learn more about the good, the bad and the ugly
of using prescription drugs to treat premature ejacution.
I do not recommend using anti-depressants to treat premature
ejaculation, the side effects far outweigh the benefit. If you must,
please let it be your last resort.
Desensitizing Creams, Gels, Lotions & Sprays:
Creams and sprays - These work by desensitizing the penis. The
chemicals in these products have a numbing effect on the skin.
Typically these creams can help control ejaculation because it
takes away sensation.
These creams are applied to the head of the penis to make it less
sensitive. Usually, the cream is applied about 30 minutes before
sex and then washed off once it has decreased the feeling in your
penis. The cream must be washed off before sex. If it is left on,
it can cause a loss of erection and vaginal numbness.
I don't recommend using any desensitizing substances. The main
reason is that they don't actually address the problem, they just
try to mask it. The other reason is that it can take away the
firmness of your erection because there is no sensation to keep
you aroused. This usually causes erection loss and/or a loss of
her being able to feel you.
If you do decide to use these creams make sure to where a
condom or else the chemicals will numb her as well. The
MaxoDerm Gel has been getting some good reviews.
Partner Assisted:
In this type of treatment, you practice controlling your ejaculation,
either alone or with a partner:
* In the "Start-and-stop method", you or your partner will stimulate your
penis until you feel like you are about to have an orgasm. Then the
stimulation stops for about 30 seconds. Once you regain control of your
response, stimulation begins again. This process is repeated 3 or 4
times before you allow yourself to have an orgasm.
* The "squeeze method" works in a similar way. When
you feel like you are about to ejaculate, you or your
partner will gently squeeze the head of your penis for
about 30 seconds so that you begin to loose your erection.
You repeat this process several times before you allow
yourself to reach orgasm.
* There is more your partner can do to help you control your ejaculation.
First of all, she can take pressure off you by agreeing that if you come
before she is satisfied, you can masturbate or give her oral sex until
she has had an orgasm.
* During sex, if you need to stop thrusting to allow your arousal to drop,
remind her to stay turned on by using fantasy or by touching herself in a
way that keeps her aroused. Ask her if she is willing to help you learn
greater self-control by assisting you with the stop-start technique or
the squeeze technique.
* The sexual position you use during intercourse can have a lot to do with
how long you last - any position which produces a tightness in the woman's
vagina will most likely reduce the length of time for which you enjoy sex.
Find a position which doesn't put much pressure on your penis - side by
side sex is very useful here.
* Another suggestion, if you like rear entry sex (doggy-style), but come
very quickly during it, try this: instead of the woman kneeling on all
fours and the man entering from behind, try having the woman lie on her
side (slightly turned face down) and have the man lying behind her. He can
then lift up the woman's upper leg and enter her (perhaps with her help,
guiding his penis in). At this point, the man can move his chest away from
his partner and enjoy the sight and feel of his partner's buttocks. This
produces a great feeling and gives you the enjoyment of rear entry without
all the pressure and stimulation which leads to quick ejaculation!
* To excite her, you can press the end of your penis against the head of
her clitoris. This excites her but has the advantage that as you aren't
thrusting, you are going to last longer. Let her use your penis to tap her
genitals - many women like this as a part of foreplay. When you do
penetrate her, let your penis rest in the entrance to her vagina rather
than thrusting it in straight away. Her most sensitive parts are in the
entrance to her vagina, and if you enjoy shallow thrusts rather than deep
ones, you will not only last longer when you are making love in bed, but
you will get greater pleasure yourself when you finally do orgasm - a
longer build up to orgasm always feels better during sex.
* One of the finest anti-premature ejaculation strategies is to ensure
she has an orgasm first. Since women do not "come down" from their orgasm
as fast as men, she will still be interested in more sexual activity with
you after she has cum, so you can ensure sex lasts longer, that your
lovemaking continues for longer, and that you are a longer, better lover
in bed! So step back from penetration, and use your hand or mouth to give
her that orgasm! After this, you can get back in the saddle ride to glory!
* If you have already ejaculated, you're bound to last longer next time -
and yes, you have to stay awake rather than drop off to sleep. When you've
come, kiss and cuddle until she - and you - are aroused again, then make
love for a second time. True, you may find the sensation of making love to
your partner when you have already ejaculated in her vagina very arousing
and exciting: even so, hopefully the fact that you are going for a second
orgasm will mean you last longer during sex.
* Let her enjoy woman on top sex and sex may last for a long time. Pelvis
thrusting when you are in the missionary position can really speed up your
arrival at orgasm. Conversely, when she's on top, she can get maximum
pleasure, by altering the angle of her vagina to suit herself, while your
penis receives much less stimulation. The same is true of side by side sex
positions. Obviously this is a great help in lasting longer.
* Focus on your pleasure generally, not on how long you'll be able to last!
When you think about your orgasm, you speed up its arrival. Instead, try
thinking about the sensations you are receiving all over you body, the
physical pleasure you are feeling, the smell or sight of your partner. or
something else. Just don't worry about how long you'll last.
* A lot of men find premature ejaculation is a confidence thing. Some guys
are so concerned about pleasing their partner that they become obsessed by
how to prevent premature ejaculation. Happily if the woman is wise enough
to help the man relax and not worry this need not be a problem. Premature
ejaculation does get better as you get older. But you also need to be able
to recognize when you first feel it building up. A lot of times you can
just stop thrusting and relax, which means you effectively train your
body/penis/testicles to naturally "relax" over some time.
* If you've recently stopped using a condom this can lead to you ejaculating
more quickly. You may find that even if you have been able to last long
enough during sex for years, when you stop using a condom you suddenly find
you ejaculate far too quickly. The answer for this situation is exactly the
same as for any other in which a man ejaculates too quickly: patience, slow
sex, training your body to recognize when you are aroused, and stopping your
thrusting during sex to let your arousal drop.
To learn more about partner assisted method of stopping premature ejaculation,
check out this link.
Additional Ways To Stop Premature Ejaculation:
* In addition to using the methods listed above, you may want to try thought
distractions. For example, while you’re being sexually stimulated, think
about the names of players on your favorite sports team.
* For some men, simply wearing a condom can help delay ejaculation because
it may make the penis slightly less sensitive.
* Hypnosis is an interesting option for the treatment of premature
ejaculation. Hypnosis addresses directly the subconscious mind, where many
fears and inhibitions will inhibit sexual responsiveness and can lead to
premature ejaculation. (In essence, the cause of premature ejaculation or
rapid ejaculation is (a) being too aroused and (b) unaware of this fact,
so that a man approaches his point of ejaculatory inevitability before (a)
he wishes to do so and (b) before he is aware of doing so.
He therefore finds his ejaculation occurring almost before he is aware he
is going to come. Hypnosis as a treatment for premature ejaculation can
produce a more confident state of mind and reduce anxiety, so to that
extent it is likely to give a man a certain amount of control. However,
in my own experiments, I have found that the average improvement in time
for which sex lasts in men who try hypnosis is only of the order of 15-20%.
This may be helpful in boosting confidence, but it is not a complete cure,
nor a particularly effective treatment.
* Breathing to Reduce Excitement - Simply taking a deep breath at the brink
of orgasm is a very effective way to reduce your excitement level and
reset your orgasm. It does not work for everyone but it is worth trying.
* Breathing to Reset Orgasm - When you feel that you are getting too close
to orgasm, just completely stop and take a deep breath. Give yourself a
minute or two to reset your mental orgasm. Once you feel that you have
reset this mental orgasm continue with the confidence that the physical
orgasm is far off. You will find with practice this process will give you
longer and longer periods of staying power. Eventually this mental reset
will happen automatically with no pause.
I have tried to give you very useful information on the subject matter
of premature ejaculation. Hopefully this information has helped you, and
will also guide you when it comes to making a decision to cure your
premature ejaculation. There is so much information out there, and I know
it's really tough to make a decision on what products to try. Remember,
everyone is different, so you need to make the decision that you feel
works the best for you.
However, after everything was said and done, in my view the natural cure
seemed to be the best route and it is my #1 recommendation, mainly
because it is all natural with no side effects and does not just put a
mask on the problem but it is a long-term, permanent cure for premature
ejaculation. You can start by using these PC Exercises and techniques here
or for a complete program try any of these three ejaculatory control programs:
Ejaculation-Trainer, Staying-Power, or
That's it for now! Until next time, Make the rest of your day great.
Your friend in success,
The Penis Help Center
P.S. No man has to suffer the disappointment and emotional effects of
premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation can easily be corrected, safely
and naturally, Click to learn how to stop your premature ejaculation!
P.P.S. Here are links to some of our Top Rated Associate's websites, you
may find them useful in your pursuit to be the best man you can be:
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